
A little Christmas Tour- Christmas Tree and mantle bow tutorial

I am not even going to PRETEND I made the bow on the top of my tree.

BUT...I will tell you I cried when my HUSBAND put it on top of the tree! (yes loves he made them!!)

Love the turquoise and the gold angel!

I couldn't go all red and green because my newly recovered fabulous couch and rug would clash. So I did and little red on the mantle but the rest purple and turquoise.

My sister is a model so she was showing me how to make my arm look thinner. Not sure it worked! LOL.

Anyhoo, if you want to make the bow of your dreams just watch this bow tutorial!


JR Mazur said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas, wishing you and your family a happy and healthy year ahead!

JR Mazur said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas, wishing you and your family a happy and healthy year ahead!

Sara McCarty said...

Love the colors you picked! And love that couch! I want!

Jess at Just Rainbows and Butterflies said...

I love that couch and also the chair that you have below your fireplace! Those colors are bold and I love that you were brace enough to use those. Not a lot of people do or can pull them off.

And your mantle looks amazing as well! :)

Kate said...

Go husband! Everything looks great! I LOVE the turquoise!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

You crack me up! You could BOTH be models! LOVE your new blog look and LOVED your Christmas card! Happy New Year to you and your sweet family!!!

Suburban prep said...

Lovely picture of you and your sister.