
Landon's Doing Well- but it's a long road

Landon sailed through his surgery and the recovery process. I am amazed at his strength. The night before his surgery he asked why this was happening to him. I told him I believed God has a special plan for him. That God must believe he's very special to require him to have such bravery. I truly believe that.

The night after the surgery was tough. He was in A LOT of pain. My heart hurt for him. You don't want to see your baby in pain. I started to ask myself if we had done the right thing....but the next day he was suddenly back to his old self. Smiling away. I was amazed. This child has resilience I could never have!!!

For the next 6-8 weeks I have tons of fun (non physical) plans for us. We are feeling the spirit of what Christmas is really about.

Thank you for your healing prayers for Landon. They're working.


Rhonda said...

It's good to know that Landon came through the surgery well. God does have a plan for this brave little boy. Bless you. I pray that your family will feel the peace, wonder and magic of the Christmas season, as well as celebrate the birthday of Christ.

JR Mazur said...

What a great smile he's got! Sending you continued blessings and love!

3 Peanuts said...

So glad he got through surgery easily. We will continue to pray for Landon. In fact, we will pray for him tomorrow at the healing rosary at my house.

Hillcrest Acres said...

So glad to hear Landon is doing well after his surgery!!!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Yea! And just look at that smile!

linda said...

Look at that happy boy! What a trooper.

just ask beth said...

God Bless landon..

Maureen said...

I am so happy to read this tonight. I have been thinking about you all. Way to go, Landon. He continues to teach all of us!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Special prayers for Landon! God has big plans indeed for this sweet kid.