
So Emotional - Whitney Houston

Oh friends. I have to tell you the news of Whitney's passing really upset me. Yes, I know she was battling addictions and demons but to die at 48, it just breaks my heart.

Thinking of her daughter Krissy, who clearly was the only thing holding Whitney together, feeling so alone, is so sad. I know she will never get over her Mothers passing.

There's something devastating to me about addiction. It robs you of your talent, creativity, vitality and finally your life. Look at Michael Jackson, how frail he was in the end. There was so much more music in him. And Whitney, "The Voice", was not what it used to be. If she had taken care of herself, she could have been singing her whole life. Such a shame.

Whitney's funeral was tragic, inspiring, and loving. I wanted to share a few of my favorite moments:

Alicia Keys, tears streaming down her face, singing "Send Me An Angel":

She sang her heart out.

Kevin Costner spoke about Whitney and it was heartfelt and wonderful.

Stevie Wonder sang Ribbon In Sky, Cece Winans sang "Don't Cry For Me"...it was hard to not boohoo through the whole thing.

The Winan's family was like family to her. Bebe and Cece like brothers and sisters to Whitney. I wanted to share my all time favorite performance I have ever seen of Whitney. Here she is doing a gospel version of "Bridge Over Troubled Water" with Cece in 1995.

This is how I will remember her. Singing her heart out.


LPC said...

Thank you for posting this. I couldn't bring myself to watch the funeral, but I am very glad to see these pieces.

lizziefitz said...

Whitney was a power house. I saw her in concert when I was17 and she was 24. I was at a small venue in Baltimore called the Lyric. Family and friends kept asking me, "Whitney who?" People were dressed in church cloths and Easter hats... I was in jeans? I have since moved away and my BFF from my home town called me to say she got a phone call from someone we went to high school with to ask how I was holding up? All she could think of when she heard the news was me belting out Whitney songs on the school bus:))))) thanks for the awesome post.

prince snow farm said...

I agree, so emotional.

nanny said...

Thank you for a touching post.
I wish her life had not taken the path it took...we will always love you Whitney.