
Pink Swap!

Hopsy over at Monograms and Manicures hosted a Pink Swap and I was only a little too excited to be a part of it! My partner was Summer Is A Verb, so I had to make it good!!!

Here are the goodies I found and sent to her!

Remember we had a budget of $30! I think I did pretty well! 
1) Pink Dish Towels with circles
2) Mojito soaps in pink and green bamboo pattern box
3) Golf Princess notes and post its
4) Pink gardening tools!
5) Pink flower note cards
and last but not least...

6) Lilly Pulitzer Lemon Notecards! (That was a serious find!)

Can't wait to open my box from her! It arrived yesterday and I am about to rip it open!


Andy said...

So fun! Mailing mine off today.

eas said...

Great goodies. I can't wait to open mine when I get home monday

Beth Dunn said...

That is a great gift package!