
Chinoiserie Crock Pots- Running out to get this!

Just when you think the tacky people are taking over the world, a glimmer of preppy hope comes into your life.


The Chinoiserie Crock Pot!

What really freaks me out is this is the EXACT pattern of my Jonathan Adler wallpaper going up in my kitchen!!! Hahahhaaa.

This one is fabulous too:

Ain't life grand? See more here.http://www.aestheticoiseau.com/2012/02/chinoiserie-slow-cookers.html

Happy Presidents Day Gals!


BroncoMom said...

You are so good passing this information on to us, thanks!!

Suburban Princess said...

How pretty!!! I wonder if they will be in Canada too!

Jen said...

I love that first green crock pot!!

nanny said...

So pretty, I love the green one!

Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

Oh MY Stars!
That makes me want to go right out in my kitchen and accidentally, on purpose drop my plain Jane stainless crockpot and break it into little tiny "accidental," pieces! I adore the first one, ADORE!!!!

Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten