
Princess and Pirate Party!

I am planning Coco's 3rd birthday and getting so excited! Last year we took her to Disneyland for her birthday. I like to do a big party every other year. Seems less overwhelming that way!

This year the theme is Princess and Pirate. Since she is loving her ballet class, we are doing the party at her dance studio. There will be face painting, games, dancing and pink cupcakes!!

I asked Papercourt Press to design her invitations of course. She is such a genius I couldn't wait to see what she would come up with! How cute is this!!!??

Could you die? I love everything about this from the pink background to the wand and sword at the top!


Melissa said...

So freakin cute!

KatiePerk said...

Oh dear. I LOVE THIS IDEA!! I am a big pirate and princess fan!! The invite is adorable.

Hillcrest Acres said...


Anonymous said...

Pirate and Princess parties are always such a success! We went to one where all the boys were given swords made from balloons - went down BRILLIANTLY but it was chaos!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

They're awesome!! She is the best! 12 little girls just left Mary Fowler's sleepover... whew!!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

So sweet. Can't wait to see party pictures,

Kate said...

I love the theme! Cute invite too