
Don't Judge Me. I Bought A Bounce House!

I know what you're thinking.

One Fabulous Mom? What are you running a day care?

Who do you think you are Melissa Gorga from Real Housewives Of New Jersey? With a bounce house inside her house "on display, on display, on display...."

Trust me when I tell you this is the best money I have EVER SPENT.

Landon's playdates are now filled with kids laughing, sliding, jumping and having a ball. They are worn out at the end of the day and beg for me to blow it up starting at 6 am.

Now this is not a huge bouncey. It's for young kids and can only hold 3 or 4, but let me tell you:

1) It's a snap to set up and blow up, takes seconds.
2) Entertains the kids for hours
3) It's fun!

So don't judge me.

Get one here. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001EHJ7GG/ref=oh_o03_s00_i00_details


Hillcrest Acres said...

How wonderful!!! My kids always loved them when we rented them for their birthday parties. After one summer birthday party, we changed things up a bit and we a big water slide. They had so much fun, we bought one. We used it quite a bit until last summer when my husband was moving it and caught it on the fireplace. That put a huge rip in it and that was the end of that.


Melissa said...

No judgement from me! I'd totally get one of those for my kid(s)


No judgement here. I have 2! One like yours and a water slide that my kids. I justified that by the time I rent it twice I could buy it!!! LOL. KJ

prince snow farm said...

You are too funny. Hey, if it keeps them busy, and doesn't encourage broken bones or teeth, I am ALL for it! Has mom tried it yet? Dad?

Suburban Princess said...

Hmmmm I might have to look into this for the summer! I know my son would love it! He could slide from the bounce house right into the pool!

Ashley said...

Im a new follower to your blog and lemme just say.... Its FABULOUS! You are so funny! And I am totally with you on getting that bounce house. i am looking at getting one myself ;)


Claire said...

Totally support you with this!!! When I was in DC in Oct. visiting my daughter she took me to a friend's home and in their finished basement was one of these - it filled the whole room but was perfect and kept the kids occupied!!! I wish I had had one when my 4 daughters were little!

Kate said...

No judgment at all! My work family just got a small bounce house climbing wall thing (from the grandparents) and it is PERFECT for when the older cousins come over to play. H is still a little young for it but the older kids love it!

just ask beth said...

Judge you? I applaud you!!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

YOU are hilarious! No judgement here! I think you're brilliant! PS Saw Gail D last week and we loved chatting about you! Come visit us!!!!