You may have heard Open Sky mentioned on GMA the other day, and I am proud to say I have been chosen to be an Open Sky seller! I will have a little store of things I adore that you can buy!
OpenSky has come up with a better way for people to shop, buy and sell. They're all about that amazing feeling you get when someone you trust hooks you up with something you love. They are a new, free service that connects people who make interesting products (suppliers) with people who have the ability to sell those products online (sellers). As a seller, I choose which products I want to feature and promote.
On Open Sky, nobody makes money, nor are there fees of any kind, unless sales are made. So if you have something to sell that's really unique and not available at big box retailers -- beauty, nutrition, cooking and fashion are particularly popular categories -- or if you have a website or even a very active following on Facebook or Twitter of people who really trust you for advice and recommendations, then Open Sky could be an ideal opportunity to make money for you too!
See the countdown clock above? That shows how long until my store launches! Exciting!!!
In The Fire
While visiting my bloggy friend Bevy at It's a Golden Day, her post, In The Fire shook me to my core. I have been in the fire recently, as you know from reading my post, Living On The Edge. Then, a few days ago, Landon had a reaction to his 4 year old shots. He threw up. his arm swelled up, and then he fainted. It was one of the hardest days I have had to date. I was IN THE FIRE. Here's Bevy's post below. Then you'll get what I mean.
"No, I do not have a sterling silver teapot in my kitchen. However, I came across The Lady in the Stone House by Tami when I was reading and leaving comments on sweet Eloise's blog. Please lift Eloise's precious daughter, Vivian, in prayer. She is extremely ill and in the PICU in their local hospital.
I do not know Tami. However, what she wrote spoke volumes to me. I hope you will take to heart this story. Eloise is in the fire. And as I write this, I have many other friends who are in the fire. As Tami wrote, "Everyone has something, sometime when they have been in the fire. It's how you come out of the fire that matters."
Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver"
This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were the hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy - when I see my image in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you."
Isn't that the most amazing post ever? Just to think of God with me in the fire, keeping his eye on me makes me weep. What a way to look at things when you are in the fire!
"No, I do not have a sterling silver teapot in my kitchen. However, I came across The Lady in the Stone House by Tami when I was reading and leaving comments on sweet Eloise's blog. Please lift Eloise's precious daughter, Vivian, in prayer. She is extremely ill and in the PICU in their local hospital.
I do not know Tami. However, what she wrote spoke volumes to me. I hope you will take to heart this story. Eloise is in the fire. And as I write this, I have many other friends who are in the fire. As Tami wrote, "Everyone has something, sometime when they have been in the fire. It's how you come out of the fire that matters."
Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver"
This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were the hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver." She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy - when I see my image in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you."
Isn't that the most amazing post ever? Just to think of God with me in the fire, keeping his eye on me makes me weep. What a way to look at things when you are in the fire!
Vacationing in Tahoe with Metroplex Baby!
One of the bonuses of my Tahoe trip was a fellow tweeter and website owner Tina Wysk! Here's a little blurb on her!
Tina Wysk grew up in Dallas-Fort Worth and once she became a mom, the Metroplex became a large unknown. She spent hours flipping through the phone book and searching the internet for the best baby products and deals, as well as for activities for her kids. She did not find any of the available directories useful, as they list only paid advertisers instead of giving the "full scoop." After constantly remarking "why isn't there a web site that lists all this information," she decided to start Metroplex Baby & Kids. With the help of a dedicated team of area moms and dads, she strives to provide families living in the Metroplex the centralized resources she searched for so desperately.
Tina is a blast and I had such fun with her. We kayaked together and swapped husband and kid stories!! Best of all she made her famous hummus!
Here's her recipe!
Tina's Hummus
2 (16 ounce) cans of chick peas drained, reserve juice
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
3/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
1/2 cup (or more) lemon juice
Drain and dry chick peas. put garlic in food processor and mince. Add chick peas and mince, scraping down the sides. Add salt, tahini and lemon juice. Mix. Taste. Add enough reserve chick pea juice to make thick and and creamy. You should be able to make an indentation in the hummus with the back of a spoon. Check taste for additional lemon and salt. Poor small amounts of olive oil over the top and serve with fresh toasted pita bread.
You can find Tina on her website at and on twitter!
Tina is a blast and I had such fun with her. We kayaked together and swapped husband and kid stories!! Best of all she made her famous hummus!
Here's her recipe!
Tina's Hummus
2 (16 ounce) cans of chick peas drained, reserve juice
4-6 cloves of garlic
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
3/4 cup tahini (sesame seed paste)
1/2 cup (or more) lemon juice
Drain and dry chick peas. put garlic in food processor and mince. Add chick peas and mince, scraping down the sides. Add salt, tahini and lemon juice. Mix. Taste. Add enough reserve chick pea juice to make thick and and creamy. You should be able to make an indentation in the hummus with the back of a spoon. Check taste for additional lemon and salt. Poor small amounts of olive oil over the top and serve with fresh toasted pita bread.
You can find Tina on her website at and on twitter!
Tahoe! Having So Much Fun! Hate To Leave!
Eating brats, ribs, cole slaw, greek salad, burgers, and tomorrow night a bushel of crabs flown in from Maryland! We are living it up in Tahoe. We come every year with The Mr.'s oldest and dearest friends.
So much fun on this trip because now there are so many couples with kids, and babysitters come every day to play! They eat at the kids table, take bath's together, and then line up for movies every night! Heaven! I think Landon wishes he was from a family of seven!! LOL
And Coco and her young friend Jackson have really hit it off...
Best of all we have kayaked, waterskied, and had wonderful adventures with Landon and Coco. So fun to see them both so happy and relaxed like their parents!
It's so gorgeous! Can't wait to come back next year!
Happy Birthday little brother Wakey and sister Nina!!!
So much fun on this trip because now there are so many couples with kids, and babysitters come every day to play! They eat at the kids table, take bath's together, and then line up for movies every night! Heaven! I think Landon wishes he was from a family of seven!! LOL
And Coco and her young friend Jackson have really hit it off...
Best of all we have kayaked, waterskied, and had wonderful adventures with Landon and Coco. So fun to see them both so happy and relaxed like their parents!
It's so gorgeous! Can't wait to come back next year!
Happy Birthday little brother Wakey and sister Nina!!!
The Roller Coaster of Parenthood
Lately I have been feeling the super highs and lows of parenthood. Things can be so good and then an hour, or minutes later be terrible. It really upsets me! I want things to be fantastic all the time. It started to make me wonder, am I not good at riding the roller coaster of parenthood?
I am not a very dare devilish person. I am not one to go to an amusement park and look for the ride called GIANT DROP. The merry go round suits me fine. The merry go round is really not what parenthood is all about though is it?
Remember in the movie Parenthood when Steve Martin gets upset because so many things are going wrong with his kids and Grandma tells him how she likes the roller coaster better. The merry go round is boring. That's when Mary Steenburgen tells him she likes the roller coaster. It can be bad and good but she likes it!
I think I need to be better and riding out the highs and lows. Not sure how to do it. How about you? Are you good at riding the roller coaster of parenthood? Tell me how you do it!
Real Housewives Of New Jersey- Country Clubbed and Translated Just for Youz
First of all I am from the east coast. While born in Raleigh, I was raised in Scarsdale, New York, so that makes me some what of an authority on New Jersey and the surrounding areas.
Let me breakdown what happened on this latest installment of the Real Housewives of New Jersey so we can all be on the same page.
The episode begins, where we left off at the Posche fashion show, a very high Klass event at the North Jersey Country Club. Theresa is waiting for Danielle outside in the hallway. Theresa is waiting for her in the hallway, just like the bullies did in school after class got out. To kick her ASS.
Theresa baits Danielle with "I'm the nicest person", you know, so I thought I'd say Hi. (Table flipper, money spender, hot headed Italian princess yes, nice? NO.) Danielle says she doesn't know her to be nice. Here's the rest of my translation.
Theresa: You got me to that point. (This whole thing is your fault bitch so kiss my Italian booty)
Danielle: No Theresa you make your own decisions. (I'm above you, this, and stripping, unless it's for fun)
Theresa: No honey... (Listen bitch)
Danielle: Don't call me honey (Don't call me bitch)
Theresa: I don't want to call you honey, cause you are an old hag, bitch. Is bitch better? ( I was going to call you a prostitution whore but I was being nice. So now I will call you PW for short)
Danielle: That's e-#$%^-nuff. (I may slap you, I'm serious)
That starts a whole bag of drama, where everyone is up in arms and starting to go crazy. Then Theresa says:
Theresa: Don't forget I'm from Patterson. Did you forget? (Listen PW, I am from the wrong side of the tracks and I am un-afraid to physically assault you)
Danielle: I saw the home you lived in before you moved into the mansion. (I don't believe you would really do anything in front of all these people)
Theresa: That's a five million dollar home (Oh really, wanna see?)
Danielle: And it's in foreclosure! (Bring it on BITCH!)
That starts Theresa running after Danielle, calling her a coke whore, being held back by everyone. Please tell me you saw the blonde who is now the star of the show who looked at the camera and said: "This is#$%^ BS!"
I digress.
So Theresa is chasing Danielle through the country club, and outside where she hides in the bushes. While everyone keeps Theresa away, Theresa Jr (Jacquelines daughter Ashley) yanks her extensions out of her head saying "love and light! Stay in the positive bitch!" I mean you could not write better television.
Danielle goes to her limo to cry and Theresa is still trying to get to her. She even stands in front of the car so she can't leave. Danielle cries to the very two faced Kim G, and Jacqueline orders her daughter to go home. Theresa goes back inside but Jacqueline stands by Danielle's car while she calls the police.
When the police arrive, you see how truly "Patterson" Theresa is. The cops want to talk her about what happened. She says "What? What happened? What report? I didn't do anything, she's the one who's the coke whore not me."
The next morning at the Godfather's house (Caroline Manzo, my favorite person of all time), to tell her what happened. She tells them you gave Danielle just what she wanted. She wanted to be the victim and say you were mean girls and you gave it to her. RIGHT!!!
Later Theresa tells Joe about what happened. Now I see where Gia gets her acting talents from! There was one reason she told Joe the story. Foreplay. Joe loved the story of Theresa trying to attack Danielle, he smiled and loved it all.
Jacqueline later gets a call from Danielle's Energist. Yes people, the ultra zen Danielle, has an energist. Guess the priest gave up on her! The fact that Jacqueline will even take this call makes me like her, she was wondering what the hell this was about! She tells the energist whatever she is doing with Danielle it's not working! LOL. The energist turns the tables and says she's calling about her! She tries to send energy to calm her down through the phone. Jacqueline starts to play a video game on the phone. So damn funny!!!!
Meanwhile Albie is starting a law suit against his law school, Danielle is gonna press charges, and Ashley will be thrown out of the house if she talks to Danielle again. And that's the way we do it in New Jersey. Did you watch?
Let me breakdown what happened on this latest installment of the Real Housewives of New Jersey so we can all be on the same page.
The episode begins, where we left off at the Posche fashion show, a very high Klass event at the North Jersey Country Club. Theresa is waiting for Danielle outside in the hallway. Theresa is waiting for her in the hallway, just like the bullies did in school after class got out. To kick her ASS.
Theresa baits Danielle with "I'm the nicest person", you know, so I thought I'd say Hi. (Table flipper, money spender, hot headed Italian princess yes, nice? NO.) Danielle says she doesn't know her to be nice. Here's the rest of my translation.
Theresa: You got me to that point. (This whole thing is your fault bitch so kiss my Italian booty)
Danielle: No Theresa you make your own decisions. (I'm above you, this, and stripping, unless it's for fun)
Theresa: No honey... (Listen bitch)
Danielle: Don't call me honey (Don't call me bitch)
Theresa: I don't want to call you honey, cause you are an old hag, bitch. Is bitch better? ( I was going to call you a prostitution whore but I was being nice. So now I will call you PW for short)
Danielle: That's e-#$%^-nuff. (I may slap you, I'm serious)
That starts a whole bag of drama, where everyone is up in arms and starting to go crazy. Then Theresa says:
Theresa: Don't forget I'm from Patterson. Did you forget? (Listen PW, I am from the wrong side of the tracks and I am un-afraid to physically assault you)
Danielle: I saw the home you lived in before you moved into the mansion. (I don't believe you would really do anything in front of all these people)
Theresa: That's a five million dollar home (Oh really, wanna see?)
Danielle: And it's in foreclosure! (Bring it on BITCH!)
That starts Theresa running after Danielle, calling her a coke whore, being held back by everyone. Please tell me you saw the blonde who is now the star of the show who looked at the camera and said: "This is#$%^ BS!"
I digress.
So Theresa is chasing Danielle through the country club, and outside where she hides in the bushes. While everyone keeps Theresa away, Theresa Jr (Jacquelines daughter Ashley) yanks her extensions out of her head saying "love and light! Stay in the positive bitch!" I mean you could not write better television.
Danielle goes to her limo to cry and Theresa is still trying to get to her. She even stands in front of the car so she can't leave. Danielle cries to the very two faced Kim G, and Jacqueline orders her daughter to go home. Theresa goes back inside but Jacqueline stands by Danielle's car while she calls the police.
When the police arrive, you see how truly "Patterson" Theresa is. The cops want to talk her about what happened. She says "What? What happened? What report? I didn't do anything, she's the one who's the coke whore not me."
The next morning at the Godfather's house (Caroline Manzo, my favorite person of all time), to tell her what happened. She tells them you gave Danielle just what she wanted. She wanted to be the victim and say you were mean girls and you gave it to her. RIGHT!!!
Later Theresa tells Joe about what happened. Now I see where Gia gets her acting talents from! There was one reason she told Joe the story. Foreplay. Joe loved the story of Theresa trying to attack Danielle, he smiled and loved it all.
Jacqueline later gets a call from Danielle's Energist. Yes people, the ultra zen Danielle, has an energist. Guess the priest gave up on her! The fact that Jacqueline will even take this call makes me like her, she was wondering what the hell this was about! She tells the energist whatever she is doing with Danielle it's not working! LOL. The energist turns the tables and says she's calling about her! She tries to send energy to calm her down through the phone. Jacqueline starts to play a video game on the phone. So damn funny!!!!
Meanwhile Albie is starting a law suit against his law school, Danielle is gonna press charges, and Ashley will be thrown out of the house if she talks to Danielle again. And that's the way we do it in New Jersey. Did you watch?
Holy Suncreen Batman- New warnings and rules about sunscreen!
This is directly taken from their site. You have to read this then click the link below to see where your sunscreen fits in and is ranked.
EWG’s (Environmental Working Group's) fourth annual Sunscreen Guide gives low marks to the current crop of sunscreen products, with a few notable exceptions. EWG researchers recommend only 39 – 8 percent – of 500 beach and sport sunscreens for this season.
The reason? A surge in exaggerated SPF claims above 50 and new disclosures about potentially hazardous ingredients, in particular recently developed government data linking the common sunscreen ingredient vitamin A to accelerated development of skin tumors and lesions.
Hats, clothing and shade are still the most reliable sun protection. Products with high SPF ratings sell a false sense of security because most people using them stay out in the sun longer, still get burned (which increases risk of skin cancer) and subject their skin to large amounts of UVA radiation, the type of sunlight that does not burn but is believed responsible for considerable skin damage and cancer. High SPF products, which protect against sunburn, often provide very little protection against UVA radiation.
Few people use enough sunscreen to benefit from the SPF protection promised on the label. Studies show that people typically use about a quarter of the recommended amount. Because sunscreen effectiveness drops off precipitously when under-applied, in everyday practice a product labeled SPF 100 actually performs like SPF 3.2, an SPF 30 rating equates to a 2.3 and SPF 15 translates to 2. Moreover, FDA scientists say SPF claims above 50 cannot be reliably substantiated.
This year, new concerns have arisen about a form of vitamin A called retinyl palmitate, found in 41 percent of sunscreens. The FDA is investigating whether this compound may accelerate skin damage and elevate skin cancer risk when applied to skin exposed to sunlight. FDA data suggest that vitamin A may be photocarcinogenic, meaning that in the presence of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, the compound and skin undergo complex biochemical changes resulting in cancer. The evidence against vitamin A is far from conclusive, but as long as it is suspect, EWG recommends that consumers choose vitamin A-free sunscreens.
EWG has again flagged products with oxybenzone, a hormone-disrupting compound found in about 60 percent of the 500 beach and sport sunscreens analyzed. The chemical penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream: biomonitoring surveys conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have detected oxybenzone in the bodies of 97 percent of Americans tested.
In all, EWG researchers assessed about 1,400 products with SPF, including beach and sports lotions, sprays and creams, moisturizers, make-up and lip balms. The 39 beach and sports products that earned EWG’s coveted “green” rating for safety and efficacy all contain the minerals zinc or titanium. We could find no non-mineral sunscreens that scored better than “yellow.”
Some of the blame falls on the FDA, which has yet to finalize regulations for sunscreens promised since 1978. FDA officials estimate that the regulations may be issued next October – but even then, they expect to give manufacturers at least a year, and possibly longer, to comply with the new rules. That means the first federally regulated sunscreens won’t go on store shelves before the summer of 2012.
****I use Mustela baby and California baby on the kids (Mustela barely squeaks by, and Cali baby is good) and then coppertone for husband and I which I will now be throwing out!!! Click the link and see why!
EWG’s (Environmental Working Group's) fourth annual Sunscreen Guide gives low marks to the current crop of sunscreen products, with a few notable exceptions. EWG researchers recommend only 39 – 8 percent – of 500 beach and sport sunscreens for this season.
The reason? A surge in exaggerated SPF claims above 50 and new disclosures about potentially hazardous ingredients, in particular recently developed government data linking the common sunscreen ingredient vitamin A to accelerated development of skin tumors and lesions.
Hats, clothing and shade are still the most reliable sun protection. Products with high SPF ratings sell a false sense of security because most people using them stay out in the sun longer, still get burned (which increases risk of skin cancer) and subject their skin to large amounts of UVA radiation, the type of sunlight that does not burn but is believed responsible for considerable skin damage and cancer. High SPF products, which protect against sunburn, often provide very little protection against UVA radiation.
Few people use enough sunscreen to benefit from the SPF protection promised on the label. Studies show that people typically use about a quarter of the recommended amount. Because sunscreen effectiveness drops off precipitously when under-applied, in everyday practice a product labeled SPF 100 actually performs like SPF 3.2, an SPF 30 rating equates to a 2.3 and SPF 15 translates to 2. Moreover, FDA scientists say SPF claims above 50 cannot be reliably substantiated.
This year, new concerns have arisen about a form of vitamin A called retinyl palmitate, found in 41 percent of sunscreens. The FDA is investigating whether this compound may accelerate skin damage and elevate skin cancer risk when applied to skin exposed to sunlight. FDA data suggest that vitamin A may be photocarcinogenic, meaning that in the presence of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, the compound and skin undergo complex biochemical changes resulting in cancer. The evidence against vitamin A is far from conclusive, but as long as it is suspect, EWG recommends that consumers choose vitamin A-free sunscreens.
EWG has again flagged products with oxybenzone, a hormone-disrupting compound found in about 60 percent of the 500 beach and sport sunscreens analyzed. The chemical penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream: biomonitoring surveys conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have detected oxybenzone in the bodies of 97 percent of Americans tested.
In all, EWG researchers assessed about 1,400 products with SPF, including beach and sports lotions, sprays and creams, moisturizers, make-up and lip balms. The 39 beach and sports products that earned EWG’s coveted “green” rating for safety and efficacy all contain the minerals zinc or titanium. We could find no non-mineral sunscreens that scored better than “yellow.”
Some of the blame falls on the FDA, which has yet to finalize regulations for sunscreens promised since 1978. FDA officials estimate that the regulations may be issued next October – but even then, they expect to give manufacturers at least a year, and possibly longer, to comply with the new rules. That means the first federally regulated sunscreens won’t go on store shelves before the summer of 2012.
****I use Mustela baby and California baby on the kids (Mustela barely squeaks by, and Cali baby is good) and then coppertone for husband and I which I will now be throwing out!!! Click the link and see why!
Day Trip! San Marino, CA and Ladybird Lilly Pulitzer Store!
I made a pilgrimage to mecca (AKA Lilly Pulitzers newest store in California) Ladybird! Notice the SALE sign! 50% off!
San Marino is the perfect preppy place for a Lilly Pulitzer store.
Cute stores like: Lemon Hill, everything in there was fabulous but I wanted this lamp!
Then you can have lunch a Julienne, such a gorgeous restaurant with a gourmet shop attached!
But back to the real reason for the trip... Ladybird!
Cute Angelica was there to greet me. We were instant friends, and she showed me around the store and most importantly to the sale rack where I found these beauties! How cute are these shorts!
But what I really wanted was the dress Beth Dunn had on when she came to see me! I want that Sullivan dress in Nautical size medium please!!!! Also died over these flasks!

I made a cute preppy friend while I was shopping. Can I be her when I grow up?
Such a fabulous day and I cannot wait to go back. Hopefully next time with oodles of money!
San Marino is the perfect preppy place for a Lilly Pulitzer store.
Cute stores like: Lemon Hill, everything in there was fabulous but I wanted this lamp!
Then you can have lunch a Julienne, such a gorgeous restaurant with a gourmet shop attached!
But back to the real reason for the trip... Ladybird!
Cute Angelica was there to greet me. We were instant friends, and she showed me around the store and most importantly to the sale rack where I found these beauties! How cute are these shorts!
But what I really wanted was the dress Beth Dunn had on when she came to see me! I want that Sullivan dress in Nautical size medium please!!!! Also died over these flasks!

I made a cute preppy friend while I was shopping. Can I be her when I grow up?
Such a fabulous day and I cannot wait to go back. Hopefully next time with oodles of money!
Coco's Not Getting A Car Until She's Eighteen
Listen, anyone who flies with children is taking their lives in their hands. The only way I can survive is Jet Blue. On Jet Blue, people are usually too busy watching TV to hear my children scream. Not that I don't entertain them. I bring a four hundred pound carry on bag full of toys, snacks and tricks. I am on my game. I am One Fabulous Mom!
Landon has become a pretty good traveler thanks to the portable DVD player. Just watches his movie and smiles at us. When the battery runs out he does get squirmy, but he is nothing compared to the power and insanity of one Miss Coco.

Have you ever flown with a 16 month old? They are known as a "lap child", but the only way Coco would stay on my lap is if she were laminated to me. She throws fits trying to get out of the seat, and we try to hold her offering bottle, movie, cheerios, and cold hard cash.
This flight back from CT was no exception. She slept for an hour or so but people this is a 5 1/2 hour flight. That's right. 5 and 1/2 hours of trapped Coco. Coco wakes up from her little nap and is sweet and docile for about a half hour. Then we start entertaining and bribing her. During the last hour of the flight, after The Mr. and I have both sworn never to fly with these people again, she starts to really scream. Thinking it may be teeth, I get out the Motrin. She won't take it so I shove it in her face.
Here's where the story gets interesting. Coco, so mad that I have done this, starts coughing and choking. Then she does the one thing that trumps any parents control of the situation. She throws up. EVERYWHERE.
That's right. All of over me, The Mr, the seat the floor...yes. Needless to say we were pissed. Coco was fine and smiling after that. The Mr. and I have agreed she is not getting a car on her sixteenth birthday no matter how much she begs us. This will be forever known as the "Jet Blue Incident" filed into the "things we don't speak of but never forget" category. Isn't parenting fabulous?
Landon has become a pretty good traveler thanks to the portable DVD player. Just watches his movie and smiles at us. When the battery runs out he does get squirmy, but he is nothing compared to the power and insanity of one Miss Coco.

Have you ever flown with a 16 month old? They are known as a "lap child", but the only way Coco would stay on my lap is if she were laminated to me. She throws fits trying to get out of the seat, and we try to hold her offering bottle, movie, cheerios, and cold hard cash.
This flight back from CT was no exception. She slept for an hour or so but people this is a 5 1/2 hour flight. That's right. 5 and 1/2 hours of trapped Coco. Coco wakes up from her little nap and is sweet and docile for about a half hour. Then we start entertaining and bribing her. During the last hour of the flight, after The Mr. and I have both sworn never to fly with these people again, she starts to really scream. Thinking it may be teeth, I get out the Motrin. She won't take it so I shove it in her face.
Here's where the story gets interesting. Coco, so mad that I have done this, starts coughing and choking. Then she does the one thing that trumps any parents control of the situation. She throws up. EVERYWHERE.
That's right. All of over me, The Mr, the seat the floor...yes. Needless to say we were pissed. Coco was fine and smiling after that. The Mr. and I have agreed she is not getting a car on her sixteenth birthday no matter how much she begs us. This will be forever known as the "Jet Blue Incident" filed into the "things we don't speak of but never forget" category. Isn't parenting fabulous?
House Tour! The grounds!
My mom's house is like camp. She lives between a lake and a pond, has a pool and tons of space for playing. It's very wooded here with so much wild life! Here's the view of the lake from the dock.
She even has a little sitting area near by.
The Mr. has been out on the lake bass fishing every day! He has caught a bunch!
On the way up to the house you go through the gate and past her little boat shed.
And there's a pool so inviting you just want to dive in!!
And back at the house again...
Where somebody is trying to put the flowers back on the plant. Someone in a tutu bathing suit!
She even has a little sitting area near by.
The Mr. has been out on the lake bass fishing every day! He has caught a bunch!
On the way up to the house you go through the gate and past her little boat shed.
And there's a pool so inviting you just want to dive in!!
And back at the house again...
Where somebody is trying to put the flowers back on the plant. Someone in a tutu bathing suit!
House Tour! My Mom's House in Greenwich
I love my Mom's house, so gorgeous I wanted you to go on the tour!
She had a bow on the pig of course, but it fell off! LOL.
The living room is gorgeous.
How about her library powder room. She even took old books that were ripped and torn and took the spines and had them mounted to the wall! Brilliant!

The kitchen is light and airy. And the dining room divine!
Don't you just love looking at other people houses!? Tomorrow I'll show you the grounds. The house is on a lake so it's just beautiful!
She had a bow on the pig of course, but it fell off! LOL.
The living room is gorgeous.
How about her library powder room. She even took old books that were ripped and torn and took the spines and had them mounted to the wall! Brilliant!

The kitchen is light and airy. And the dining room divine!
Don't you just love looking at other people houses!? Tomorrow I'll show you the grounds. The house is on a lake so it's just beautiful!
Fourth Of July in Greenwich CT!
We had a wonderful time celebrating the fourth. We went to the celebration at the Greenwich Country Club and had a ball. The only damper was that they are having quite the heat wave here! Poor Coco was so hot she almost passed out!
Coco was in her adorable pears and bears outfit we bought at Nautical By Natures trunk show! So cute. I was of course in my sear sucker halter dress. Notice the bottle and behind it my white wine!
The club had wonderful food, drinks and tons of stuff for the little ones to enjoy. Three bouncy's, games, races and music!
All Landon can talk about now is 'the club' this and 'the club' that. He had so much fun! We watched the fireworks with two tried babies! Landon hid the whole time and Coco clapped!
Happy Fourth! How was your weekend?
Coco was in her adorable pears and bears outfit we bought at Nautical By Natures trunk show! So cute. I was of course in my sear sucker halter dress. Notice the bottle and behind it my white wine!
All Landon can talk about now is 'the club' this and 'the club' that. He had so much fun! We watched the fireworks with two tried babies! Landon hid the whole time and Coco clapped!
Happy Fourth! How was your weekend?
Friday Fun!! I am tagging you!
While I am flying on a plane to CT, I thought you might like this little questionnaire! Here are my answers.
Favorite Color:
Favorite Brands/Designers:Lilly Pulitzer and Tory Burch
Favorite Restaurant: Treats On The Water, a private restaurant, where I dined on plexi glass, over a pool overlooking the sea with husband on our honeymoon in Greece! A close second was Kiki's in Mykonos, overlooking the beach!
Hobbies: Entertaining, Scrap booking, Reading, Blogging
Favorite thing about yourself: That I bring people together. I love to plan parties, dinners, bond moms and friends together. I planned both Landon's soccer and gymnastics classes for the summer so he could see all his friends. Super Julie McCoy personality here!
What does your bedroom look like (color scheme, theme, etc.): Light blue with dark wood furniture and glass accents.
If you could have dinner with 2 people (dead or alive) who would they be: Carol Burnett and my Grandmommie. Carol Burnett because she is my comedy idol and has had a fascinating life, and my Grandmommie because she was my soul mate. She was a painter, full of passion and life, funny as the devil and she loooved babies!
What is your next “big splurge”: New wardrobe! Boy do I need it!
What is your favorite joke, quote, or saying:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."- Teddy Roosevelt
Anything else you would like us to know about you (random fact)!?
I am seriously addicted to reality TV!
Anyone want to play along? I am tagging YOU!
Favorite Color:
Favorite Brands/Designers:Lilly Pulitzer and Tory Burch
Favorite Restaurant: Treats On The Water, a private restaurant, where I dined on plexi glass, over a pool overlooking the sea with husband on our honeymoon in Greece! A close second was Kiki's in Mykonos, overlooking the beach!
Hobbies: Entertaining, Scrap booking, Reading, Blogging
Favorite thing about yourself: That I bring people together. I love to plan parties, dinners, bond moms and friends together. I planned both Landon's soccer and gymnastics classes for the summer so he could see all his friends. Super Julie McCoy personality here!
What does your bedroom look like (color scheme, theme, etc.): Light blue with dark wood furniture and glass accents.
If you could have dinner with 2 people (dead or alive) who would they be: Carol Burnett and my Grandmommie. Carol Burnett because she is my comedy idol and has had a fascinating life, and my Grandmommie because she was my soul mate. She was a painter, full of passion and life, funny as the devil and she loooved babies!
What is your next “big splurge”: New wardrobe! Boy do I need it!
What is your favorite joke, quote, or saying:
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."- Teddy Roosevelt
Anything else you would like us to know about you (random fact)!?
I am seriously addicted to reality TV!
Anyone want to play along? I am tagging YOU!
Rielle Hunter Oprah Interview- Lunatics Don't Make Great Mistresses
Today Elizabeth Edwards was on The Today Show, sort of a post divorce interview. First of all she looked beautiful. Better than ever, and she is trying new cancer treatments, but she is hoping for 8 more years. That broke my heart. I cannot imagine being in her shoes. She also added a final chapter to the book, because when she had written it originally, John had said Rielle was a one night stand and that was it. Now we know much, much more don't we? So the paperback is out now with a chapter about how she feels, and where she is now. She said John is not the man she married.
Matt Lauer asked her if she had seen the Oprah, Reille interview. She said at first she refused to see it, but then made herself watch. She concluded that if he could be with Rielle, she has no understanding of what made him choose her. Amen. Since she was brave enough to watch, I decided to finally watch it as well. I hate Rielle Hunter so this was no easy task. She makes me sick to my stomach but I just had to hear what this lunatic has to say for herself (don't get me started on John Edwards, he pissses me off even more). Here are my observations:
1)"Johnny"- Rielle says when she first met him he "didn't seem like John" to her. By giving John Edwards, a married man, and politician, a boyish nick name, Rielle made herself feel that they had a special connection. She only sees him as "Johnny" so it must be okay right? BARF.
2)"Home wrecker"- Oprah says are you a home wrecker? She says: "absolutely not". A third party cannot ruin a marriage. She says there were problems before having nothing to do with her. Every marriage has problems Rielle, but when a viper like you is waiting with the wings we have no chance. Step off.
3)"Hot"- She said she did tell him he was hot, but she didn't mean sexy...she meant energy, that he was different. Want to slap her yet? Me too.
4) "I Can Help You"- She said to him "I can help you". He said "I want and need your help". By "help", she means F$%^. I want to #$%^ you. Let's be clear on that one. Oprah asked what "helping him" meant and she said "see his authentic self". I guess his authentic self is a lying, cheating, dog.
5) "I did know he was married, I just didn't know what their marriage was like"- He's married. End of story. Do not pass go, collect $200 or go to his hotel room! Predator!!!
6) Truth- He said to her he wanted to live a life of truth. Well the truth has finally come out.
7) "He Was Available"- She said the reason she could be with him was because the power of their love over rode everything and that he was available. "Our hearts were louder than our minds." How is a married man available? WTF.
8) "He has been honest with me from the beginning"- Right!!!!!
9) "I Never Believed It Was Over"- John tells her it's over and she is like "were just getting started!" STALKER!!!!
10) John Renewed His Vows- He knew Rielle was pregnant and did it anyway in front of God and everyone. He's gonna burn for that one.
11) No Birth Control- Um Hello? She said he knew and were fine with it.
She smiled and laughed through the whole interview, as if she was a high school girlfriend that stole the boyfriend of the cheerleader. Let me make this clear he is a dog, but she is a predator. Worse, a new agey one who thinks she is following her heart. How about some morals babe? Her poor daughter! She said Elizabeth found out about the affair when she found the cell phone Rielle bought for John. She bought a cell phone that looked just like his work one so no one would know. DEVIOUS. She picks up and says "Hey Baby". Can you imagine?
She goes on to say, she was devastated, when he denied her child. A lot of tears. What about the tears of his wife, kids, and all the people who believed he would be president. What about the sex tape? if she is so authentic and truthful, why the hell would she make one? She said heat of the moment? And the GQ pictures? She wanted sexy pictures. Is she serious? Here she is trying to prove she has integrity with a sex tape, baby with a married man, and sexy pictures? LUNATIC.
I have to say I don't know Oprah did it. I don't know how she sat down with her. I also think John Edwards, Johnnie, is the biggest idiot ever. She said she doesn't regret the affair because she learned so much. She ruined so many lives and yet still feels like it's fine because she followed her heart and is being her authentic self. All I can say is you have one stone cold, and black heart sister.
Matt Lauer asked her if she had seen the Oprah, Reille interview. She said at first she refused to see it, but then made herself watch. She concluded that if he could be with Rielle, she has no understanding of what made him choose her. Amen. Since she was brave enough to watch, I decided to finally watch it as well. I hate Rielle Hunter so this was no easy task. She makes me sick to my stomach but I just had to hear what this lunatic has to say for herself (don't get me started on John Edwards, he pissses me off even more). Here are my observations:
1)"Johnny"- Rielle says when she first met him he "didn't seem like John" to her. By giving John Edwards, a married man, and politician, a boyish nick name, Rielle made herself feel that they had a special connection. She only sees him as "Johnny" so it must be okay right? BARF.
2)"Home wrecker"- Oprah says are you a home wrecker? She says: "absolutely not". A third party cannot ruin a marriage. She says there were problems before having nothing to do with her. Every marriage has problems Rielle, but when a viper like you is waiting with the wings we have no chance. Step off.
3)"Hot"- She said she did tell him he was hot, but she didn't mean sexy...she meant energy, that he was different. Want to slap her yet? Me too.
4) "I Can Help You"- She said to him "I can help you". He said "I want and need your help". By "help", she means F$%^. I want to #$%^ you. Let's be clear on that one. Oprah asked what "helping him" meant and she said "see his authentic self". I guess his authentic self is a lying, cheating, dog.
5) "I did know he was married, I just didn't know what their marriage was like"- He's married. End of story. Do not pass go, collect $200 or go to his hotel room! Predator!!!
6) Truth- He said to her he wanted to live a life of truth. Well the truth has finally come out.
7) "He Was Available"- She said the reason she could be with him was because the power of their love over rode everything and that he was available. "Our hearts were louder than our minds." How is a married man available? WTF.
8) "He has been honest with me from the beginning"- Right!!!!!
9) "I Never Believed It Was Over"- John tells her it's over and she is like "were just getting started!" STALKER!!!!
10) John Renewed His Vows- He knew Rielle was pregnant and did it anyway in front of God and everyone. He's gonna burn for that one.
11) No Birth Control- Um Hello? She said he knew and were fine with it.
She smiled and laughed through the whole interview, as if she was a high school girlfriend that stole the boyfriend of the cheerleader. Let me make this clear he is a dog, but she is a predator. Worse, a new agey one who thinks she is following her heart. How about some morals babe? Her poor daughter! She said Elizabeth found out about the affair when she found the cell phone Rielle bought for John. She bought a cell phone that looked just like his work one so no one would know. DEVIOUS. She picks up and says "Hey Baby". Can you imagine?
She goes on to say, she was devastated, when he denied her child. A lot of tears. What about the tears of his wife, kids, and all the people who believed he would be president. What about the sex tape? if she is so authentic and truthful, why the hell would she make one? She said heat of the moment? And the GQ pictures? She wanted sexy pictures. Is she serious? Here she is trying to prove she has integrity with a sex tape, baby with a married man, and sexy pictures? LUNATIC.
I have to say I don't know Oprah did it. I don't know how she sat down with her. I also think John Edwards, Johnnie, is the biggest idiot ever. She said she doesn't regret the affair because she learned so much. She ruined so many lives and yet still feels like it's fine because she followed her heart and is being her authentic self. All I can say is you have one stone cold, and black heart sister.
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