Hubby and I went on our date night last night. He did VERY well taking me to the very cool and posh Cecconis.
The picture does not do it justice, I swear it reminded me of our honeymoon in Greece!!! Anyhoo, I gaze across the room and see Rizzo. Oh, I'm sorry I mean Stockard Channing. She looked pretty good I must say, and I adore her so it was a delicious sighting. You know what wasn't delicious? The food. Cecconis pizza, steak and most everything except the Mojitos sucked.

We went out to the valet and the guy said "that will be ten dollars". I laughed out loud. Thought it was FUN-Nee. Hubby told me it was the MOjito talking, okay mojitos...still. He handed him a twenty and the guy said: "You want change?" Now it was hubbys turn to laugh. Not how much change but do you want any?
No valet man. I don't want change. Please take $20 for driving my car two feet and not even opening the door for me. That and the food, I think we will not be back.
I Love L.A. All show and no go!
Sorry your dinner sucked! It made a good story though... I heart a mojito.
It is always such a bummer when a restaurant's food sucks. I mean, why do they go into business in the first place if they have bad food? I guess it is like American Idol...their parents must have told them their food tasted good! At least you saw Rizzo!
Not even a "sir" anywhere in there either ;-) I guess my retirement occupation should be valet parking! Glad you had a date night + an entertaining story! xoxo
OOOH, that is funny! Oh, LA! PS: Your new blog design looks FANTASTIC!
I love Rizzo too! Atleast the Mojitos were good!! Love your new header by the way!
The Mojitos were good...the grilled squid was good...and the company was delightful!
-The Mr.
That's especially disappointing to shell out bucks and not get your money's worth.
Good for your hubby--bad for the restaraunt! Come to SF or even the East Bay for good food--truly an eater's paradise.
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