
Baby Fancy Pants! Rufflebutts!

Oh my goodness. When I had a daughter I knew two things. She would always wear pink (or pink and green) and she would wear "fancy pants" almost every day!

I just happened upon some cute websites to feed my addiction!

Rufflebutts have the cutest pants and fancy pants I have ever seen. I looove the red and so will Memoirs of the shoe obsessed!

I also looove monogram "fancy pants" to go under dresses. Yes, okay, they're called diaper covers but don't you like the words "fancy pants" waaaay better!??

Anyhoo, you can get adorable monogrammed fancy pants at
Baby Janes Boutique.

and don't despair Preppy Mama...

You can have these!!


Kate said...

I LOVE Fancy Pants!! I'm a little sad that my Caroline is too big for them now, but we saved many of them & she dresses up her babies (mostly stuffed cats!) in them now.

Bridget said...

oh my..... I LOVE em all!

CashmereLibrarian said...

OMG! I don't have babies but I LOVE these!
Bring on the grand-daughters, boys! (Well, not quite YET!)

Sandra said...

Those are darling!

Preppy Mama said...

You know I was getting totally jealous as I was reading this!! Yes, I think Cooper needs a pair!!
Did you read my post today? I think we were on the same page!

KK said...

When we moved to CT Pinkie's pre-school teachers wanted to know if even her underwear was monogrammed--like, DUH, of course!

Andy said...

SOOOO cute! You are right. Go red!

nanny said...

I gave Lila the outfit you show in red, but I got the grape color, top and cute!!!

cancersucks said...

Thank goodness I had the right mind to dress M in smocked dresses, fancy pants and the like when she was young. Then I had two she wants to wear jeans and be "hip". Savor every minute of the fancy pants and pink. Even if she keeps you up all night. One day you will complain (like me) that hubby's snoring woke you up instead of warm, crying angel.

LPC said...

Rufflebutts? Don't get much cuter...

Yellow Beads said...

cute stuff!

Elizabeth said...

I totally bookmarked some of those sites for "future reference" in, ten years from now. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Maureen said...

I'm all about the fancy pants. We were at a party in the spring, and a male friend asked why in the world we would monogram them - who sees it? Then every time we turned around Lulu was bending over and showing her monogram. It was quite the joke. Our friend said we monogrammed them because we knew for sure we were picking up the right baby.

Life, Love And Lola said...

I want a pair!!!

The 5 Bickies said...

A frequent conversation in our house goes like this...

My daughter asks, "do you love bottoms Mom?"

I say yes and clarify that I only like the bottoms of my own children.

I need to add one more thing...I love a bottom in fancy pants. They are the cutest and I LOVED them on my daughter. I would still put them on her at nearly 6 if I could.

Enjoy these years while you can!

Ashley said...

I love them, they are too cute for words!

Please stop by my blog and enter some fun giveaways. I've got a really great one that's ending today for a kid's outfit valued at $113! I really need to get some more entries for it, so I'd really appreciate your help! And you have a good chance of winning too!!! :)