
Guess Where I'm Headed Tonight!!!


Under this Umbrella said...

WOW!!! Have soooooooo much fun!

Courtney said...

Enjoy the concert. I can't wait to hear about it!

Mama Elle said...

I thought her tour was over by now, LOL.

Enjoy! (And yes... my high school reminiscent self is a wee bit jealous :)

Unknown said...

So fun!!! Hope you have a great time!

Kiki said...

I may or may not be green with fun!!!

Alison said...

Have the best time!

Angie said...

Have fun tonight! I would LOVE to see her in concert.
Have a great time :)

Beachy Chic said...

WOW!!! I know you are going to have SOOO much fun!! take some pics...and we want to hear the good and the bad ;)