
Britney- The Tic Tac Effect!

The show was amazing and her hiney is tiny. She pranced around in high heels and a body suit the whole night. High energy show and she did wonderfully. One thing though.... I saw this everywhere:

Yes, girls in skirts no bigger than a Tic Tac. Good lord.


Under this Umbrella said...

Were you just upset that someone copied your fashion idea for the night? :)

Glad you had a good time.

Yellow Beads said...

Glad you had a fun time!!

Stereos and Souffles said...

When is that trend going to end?? I can't stand it.

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

You lucky girl to see Brittney! But no, the tic tac skirth is something I never have or ever will be into!

LPC said...

They called it the "pantsless" effect during Fashion Week.

Sandra said...

Those skirts look ridiculous! Straight up trashy, even if they are the style! Glad you got to see Brit. What a comeback! Good for her. xoxo

Belle said...

Ha. Tic Tac...too funny. I would be x rated in one of those! yikes. I love Brit. Sooooo glad she's back. :)

Courtney said...

So glad you had a great time. Rest assured you won't see this girl in one of those tic tac skirts!

Solar Powered said...

Why won't this skirts ever go away?

Clare said...

so fun, i would love to see her in concert!!