
Jonathan Adler Should Be My Boyfiend

I want him. Okay fine he's gay.
And he's in a committed relationship with this guy:

The creative director of Barneys (sigh).

Oh, and I'm married. Oh well. Surely we are still supposed to be together because I love all his sculpture and decor. Did you know he decorated the Parker in Palm Springs? Too fabulous. You saw, from my kitchen below, that I am stalking his wallpaper. On his site, he also lists his manifesto:

"Our Manifesto

We believe that your home should make you happy.

We believe that when it comes to decorating, the wife is always right.
Unless the husband is gay.

We believe in carbohydrates and to hell with the puffy consequences.

We believe minimalism is a bummer.

We believe handcrafted tchotchkes are life-enhancing.

We believe tassels are the earrings of the home.

We believe in our muses: David Hicks, Alexander Girard,
Bonnie Cashin. Hans Coper, Gio Ponti, Andy Warhol, Leroy Neiman,
Yves Saint Laurent, and Madonna.

We believe in the innate chicness of red with brown.

We believe in being underdressed or overdressed always.

We believe in infantile, happy emblems like butterflies and hearts.

We believe celebrities should pay full price.

We believe in rustic modernism: Big Sur, A-Frame beach houses,
raw beams, and geodesic dome homes.

We believe in Palm Beach style:
Louis chairs, chinoiserie, Lilly Pulitzer, The Breakers circa '72.

We believe our designs are award winning even though
they've never actually won any.

We believe in Aid to Artisans.

We believe dogs should be allowed in stores and restaurants.

We believe in mantiques - suits of armour,
worn chesterfield sofas, heraldic tapestries.

We believe you should throw out your Blackberry
and go pick some actual blackberries.

We believe colors can't clash.

We believe in blowing your nest egg on our pots.

We believe our lamps will make you look younger and thinner.

We believe in irreverent luxury."

Yep, he should be my boyfriend. My gay boyfriend.


Sanity Break- Scrapbook Night!

If you want to bring the girls together, have a scrap book, or photo album catch up night at your house. We all have gotten behind in our photos and need to feel guilty! Instead, break out the wine, pick up some deserts and have the ladies over!

Suddenly they are at your door, LL Bean bag full of albums and photos, and looking for a guilt free way to catch up!

I had two good friends come over and we shared photos, gossip, laughs and memories. It was heaven I tell you. Best of all I got Coco's first year album done! Now on to the other five I need to do!


Show Me Monday- Kitchen!

Most of you have seen the slow, and slooooow transformation of my kitchen. Oh? You didn't? Well here's the before...

And now the after...

I am waiting on hubby for hardwood floors, counter tops (thinking of apple green Caesar stone), and wallpaper (bamboo green pattern possibly).

Hubby is a contractor, and sometimes gets freebies and favors! I also want to change the seating...not sure yet.... Okay show me yours...I have to see!


The House Tour Continues! KITCHEN!

Join me tomorrow for the end of the tour! Here's your chance to show off your kitchen, or post any other room you want for the tour! Get to it!!


Britney- The Tic Tac Effect!

The show was amazing and her hiney is tiny. She pranced around in high heels and a body suit the whole night. High energy show and she did wonderfully. One thing though.... I saw this everywhere:

Yes, girls in skirts no bigger than a Tic Tac. Good lord.


Flash Forward- Set Your Tivos Ladies!

Flash Forward will be premiering September 24th at 8pm on ABC. The show is being billed as the new "Lost", but since I have never seen lost (GASP!), let's stick to Flash Forward.

"What if you saw your future 6 months from now? A glimpse of where you will be and who you will be with. Would you look forward to what was coming…or would you try to stop it?

A mysterious global event causes everyone to black out simultaneously for two minutes and seventeen seconds, and each person sees a glimpse of their lives six months from now. When they wake up, everyone is left wondering if what they saw will actually happen.

Los Angeles FBI Agent Mark Benford (Joseph Fiennes) is desperate to uncover why this happened and who or what is behind it. And he's not the only one. Before long, everyone starts asking, "What did you see?" As Mark and his team struggle to figure out what caused this bizarre event, they begin to piece together the future by creating a huge database of people's flash forwards from all over the world – The Mosaic Collective. No one knows what these flash forwards mean or exactly what the future really holds. But it is clear that across the globe people who've never met will somehow be intimately connected and will have an impact on each other's lives in the next six months. Some will fear what's coming, others excited; but not a single person will be unaffected.

Adapting award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer's revolutionary novel, executive producers David S. Goyer (co-writer of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight), Brannon Braga (24, Star Trek: Enterprise), Marc Guggenheim (Brothers & Sisters, Eli Stone), Jessika Borszicky Goyer (Revelations) and producer Mark H. Ovitz (October Road) invite you to embark on a journey to answer the question, "if you knew what your future held, what would you do?"

Um...I think I would tune in ans watch! You? Are you going to watch? What other new shows are you looking forward to?


Show Me Monday- Coco and Landon's Bathroom! And Mommywood Winner!!

Landon, the bachelor that he was, had a safari room to match his safari room. When we redo the bathroom, put in the claw foot tub, and subway tile, it will be white and blue and ready for Miss Coco too!

I used our real safari photos which I just love to look at.

Okay your turn, show me your kids bath, guest bath, anything you want! Just tell me so I can come take a peek!

Okay, now, for the important stuff...

The winner....

Of the Mommywood Pay It Forward Book Giveaway is....

Three For Tippy!!! (who pinky swears she will pay it forward to someone else!!) Email me at!!


The House Tour Continues! Kids Bathroom!

The house tour continues Monday with Landon and Coco's bathroom. Come and join me will ya? I would love to see the guest/ or kids bathroom! Also the Mommywood giveaway winner will be revealed! It's not too late to enter!


Patrick Swayze Pictures To Remember- RIP

I refuse to remember Patrick Swayze like this....

Instead I will remember him like this:

Was there a dry eye when we knew he fell in love with Baby? Was there a dry eye when he said "Ditto" to Demi Moore? No dry eyes here. He will be missed.
RIP Patrick Swayze.

Damn you cancer. You really do suck the big one.


Show Me Monday- Miss Coco's Room!

Coco's room is not done yet at all, but I wanted to share a few of my favorite elements! Don't you love her view of the pool? That with the pink walls just reminds me of a cabana!

The chandelier, of course Pottery Barn Kids, was something I registered for and my sister HAD to give me because she loves chandy's (as hubby and I call them). I just love it and have it on a dimmer which makes everything in the room glow.

The bed was Landon's but I have sufficiently pinked it up. The bedding is pink linen with yellow rick rack. It's from the very fabulous H line by Hillary Thomas. I just love it!

The sheets are pottery barn kids with giraffes, and the mobile is PBK as well!

Also thought you might want to see her closet. Should she wear pink? Or pink?


The House Tour Continues!

Next up Coco's room. Wanna join in? Show me your kids rooms on Monday!


September 11th- What is a hero, celebrity edition!

This is always a sad day for me, but instead I have decided to focus on the people who continually keep up safe from terrorist attacks. Our military! My Dad sent me an email about some surprising military heroes. I was floored! I thought you would be too!

The actor, Lee Marvin, is buried in a grave alongside 3- and 4-star generals at Arlington National Cemetery. His marker gives his name, rank (PVT) and service (USMC). Nothing else. Here's a guy who was only a famous movie star who served his time. Why the heck does he rate burial with these guys?

Well, following is the amazing answer:

Many Hollywood stars served their country in the armed forces, in rear echelon posts where they were carefully protected, only to be trotted out to perform for the cameras in war bond promotions. Lee Marvin was a genuine hero. He won the Navy Cross at Iwo Jima. There is only one higher Naval award... The Medal Of Honor!

At age 41 when World War II started Clark Gable was exempt from the draft. Still he left a $30,000 a month job, enlisted in the Army as a private and worked his way up through the ranks. After graduating Officers' Candidate School in 1942 he attended aerial gunnery school, then served with the 8th Air Force in England. Though he flew combat bombing missions, his primary job was photographing other airmen in action for a movie to recruit airmen for the war effort. He completed my service as a major.

Jimmy Stewart joined the Army Air Force and flew 20 combat missions during which he earned the Distinguished Service Medal, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, and four Air Medals. After retiring as a Brigadier General in the Air Force Reserves, he was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Back To School? Fall Wardrobe

It's back to school week (Landon starts next week), and I know some of you are SAD I mean HAPPY that school has started. Yes we would like the summer to NEVER END, but there is something magical about back to school time. Time to hunker down, get out the notebook, and start picking out your Halloween costume. (more on that soon!)

I wanted to know what everyone will be wearing for Fall. Keep in mind that until the TT (Tummy Tuck Dolls, still no word on when but it's looking like October), I am not spending another dime on clothes. I need to know what you guys will be donning for sheer jealousy.

Also, what are you most looking forward to for fall?

I am looking forward to candy apples, a new puffer vest from J Crew, Halloween costume made by Godmother for Miss Coco (sure to be brilliant!!!), and maybe some adorable fall shoes (those never change size!). Oh and a flat tummy (again with the TT).

Tell me darlings, what are you looking forward to for fall? And what will you be wearing?


Baby Fancy Pants! Rufflebutts!

Oh my goodness. When I had a daughter I knew two things. She would always wear pink (or pink and green) and she would wear "fancy pants" almost every day!

I just happened upon some cute websites to feed my addiction!

Rufflebutts have the cutest pants and fancy pants I have ever seen. I looove the red and so will Memoirs of the shoe obsessed!

I also looove monogram "fancy pants" to go under dresses. Yes, okay, they're called diaper covers but don't you like the words "fancy pants" waaaay better!??

Anyhoo, you can get adorable monogrammed fancy pants at
Baby Janes Boutique.

and don't despair Preppy Mama...

You can have these!!


Show Me Monday- Landons Toddler Bedroom!

Landon had a safari themed nursery, which we have transitioned into an animal filled den of preppy.

The gingham bedding and personalized pillow are Pottery Barn Kids. I love pottery barn kids and only wish I could buy everything in the catalog!

Landon now has a big boy bed, and the built ins really help to contain all the books and toys. I posted a few shelves up close so you can see.

I would like to have a map of the world painted on his wall, over his bed. Or maybe a giant vinyl sticker...something with a map of the world, so he can see all the places he'll travel to. Little adventurer!

Here's hubby and I on safari, the whole reason we had a safari theme. Such an amazing trip! Okay now it's your turn! Show me your kids rooms!

Next up is baby Coco's room! Don't get too excited though. It's hardly done!


More House Touring Monday!

You have the day off right? Well, the house tour continues! Next up, Landon's new and improved Big Boy room!


A Real To Do List: 24 Things you should do every day

I got this little ditty in an email. I know I should be doing all of this. I'm NOT THOUGH! Here's my take on it:

1. Take (at least) a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant. (or I could take an anti depressant?)

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to. (It would have to be a lock for a straight jacket that I would put Landon in.)

3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to __________ today. (My purpose is to cram 500 things into one day, while focusing on my kids, their health, menu, physical activities, development and ten other things all the while making a happy day)

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. (I've seen a chicken nugget tree once. I swear.)

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts. (How about iced tea (gallons), twizzlers (cherry flavor, that's a fruit) and sushi?)

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day. (Oh it's way more than three!)

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. In stead invest your energy in the positive present moment. (what the hell else am I supposed to think about?)

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card. (the maxed out charge card I have)

9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. (yeah, but it's not fair!)

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. (but disliking someone strongly is okay)

11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (Oh yes they do)

12. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. (Must win, MUST.)

13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present. (I've made peace but it still bites me in the ass!)

14. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. (but that's why I watch the real housewives of New Jersey!)

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. (Me and my friend pinot grigio)

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?' (no, but in ten years you might laugh about it!)

17. Forgive everyone for everything. (or secretly hold it against them like I do)

18. What other people think of you is none of your business. (That's why I just ask them straight out.)

19. GOD heals everything. (That's true)

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. (Unless I just refuse to let it!)

21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!! (That's the truth sister)

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. (But I want what you have!)

23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for __________.Today I accomplished _________. (I am thankful for Mojitos, Today I accomplished every exhausting task on my list)

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed. (I am blessed and stressed!)
Feel free to answer these for yourself!


Preschool! Hard time for your child or hard time for you??!!

Landon will be going to preschool for the first time in a week or two. School. By himself. Without me! I know, I should be thrilled, excited, jumping for joy! Instead, I'm a little sad. Scared! FREAKED OUT!

I'll miss having him around! Yes, he can drive me insane. Yes, he is ready for school. Yes, it will be good for him but I'll miss him! My baby! What will he (I mean I without him) do without me!

Landon's teacher came for a home visit. She was lovely, Landon adored her. All went well. I just keep thinking about having to drop him off. DROP HIM OFF? I barely let my nanny watch him, let alone some teachers. Oh boy. What to do?

I going to try to focus on making the transition as smooth as possible for him. (Cut to me bawling in the parking lot!)

I thought I'd share some points the school mentioned to help with Landon's (I mean my) transition to preschool.

1) Explain what will happen to your child when you separate- Simple and straight forward and keep it positive!

2) Explain what will happen when you're apart- Show enthusiasm for what your child will be doing at school.

3)Establish a goodbye routine- 3 kisses and a high five? A little story? a big hug? Keep it short and consistent. Remain firm in your leaving. This creates trust.

4) Leave tangible signs of love- a picture of you? A toy? blanket? This can all be a comfort while you're separated.

5) Explain what will happen when you're reunited- Let them know when you're coming back and what will happen. Be reassuring.

6) Accept unexpected reunion reactions! some kids will be joyful, hysterical, ambivalent...about how the day went. They may or may not be happy to see you!

7) Do games and role playing- Even if not in school every day, practice games and role playing about school to make the child feel better. Use a doll, pretend they are going to school, saying bye to mommy etc.

Well, I feel better. Do you?


L.A. Story # 379 You want change?

Hubby and I went on our date night last night. He did VERY well taking me to the very cool and posh Cecconis.

The picture does not do it justice, I swear it reminded me of our honeymoon in Greece!!! Anyhoo, I gaze across the room and see Rizzo. Oh, I'm sorry I mean Stockard Channing. She looked pretty good I must say, and I adore her so it was a delicious sighting. You know what wasn't delicious? The food. Cecconis pizza, steak and most everything except the Mojitos sucked.

We went out to the valet and the guy said "that will be ten dollars". I laughed out loud. Thought it was FUN-Nee. Hubby told me it was the MOjito talking, okay mojitos...still. He handed him a twenty and the guy said: "You want change?" Now it was hubbys turn to laugh. Not how much change but do you want any?

No valet man. I don't want change. Please take $20 for driving my car two feet and not even opening the door for me. That and the food, I think we will not be back.

I Love L.A. All show and no go!