
Fabulous TV-Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

Tim Gunns Guide to Style on BRAVO is my new favorite show. Tim along with Veronica Webb (super model of days gone by), make over a new woman every week. Things get emotional as they go through their closets and dig through their underwear drawers. Looking great and feeling great is a way of taking care of yourself, putting yourself first. A lot of times we put kids, husbands, even our dog first. Then when someone asks you the simple question of why you're holding on to your faded black sweatpants you weep. You weep because it's not who you want to be! You weep because you can't believe it's who you've become and you're embarrassed. I had a similar moment with my best friend when she looked me dead in the eye and told me "you've lost your MOJO!" I cried. I had been through fertility hell and the last thing on my mind was myself, let alone my wardrobe. I took a good look at myself and started wearing jewelry again. I will always remember the quote from Steel Magnolias: "what separates us from animals is our ability to accessorize!" I think of that often when I feel too bogged down to be fabulous. That's when I change my outfit and my mood and get my MOJO back!
Tivo Tim Gunn's show, and in the mean time here is his list of essentials every woman needs to build a wardrobe. If you don't have these you need to get them asap! These are the ABC's of FABULOUSITY!

Trench coat

Classic dress pants



Classic white shirt

Day dress

Cashmere sweater


Sweatsuit alternative

One indulgent trendy item


Preppy Napkin said...

I also love that show. I am glad to see a post about it!

PaperCourt said...

I haven't watched this show yet. I need to check it out!

workinthatpreppy said...

love the ideas! i need to simplify my wardrobe...

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

I haven't seen it yet but I'll be sure to check it out!