
Fabulous Find: for babies

Baby boys and toddlers get the worst of the clothing options but I am determined that Landon looks great. I love the Jon Jons from places like Orient Expressed and Vive La Fete. They are what little boys should look like dressed up. Rather than a little suit these jumpers keep them looking like babies not little men. You can even get better priced ones on Ebay. To top the look off you need these Elephantito T strap shoes for boys. They still have them on Amazon. Real leather! Brought to Landon by the Easter Bunny this year! They are pale blue and Fabulous. They go with everything!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Both my boys wore Elephantitos! They were so wonderful!!! Yes, little boys need to look like little boys as long as possible...with ds2 it didn't last as long was with ds1 (hey, he had big brother to look at and ponder the differences in their clothing!). (((hugs)))