
Fabulous List: baby essentials

Even though Landon is now a big boy at 14 months today! Whoohoo! I wanted to put a list out for all you new mommies or friends of ones, of things that I could not have lived without!

1. FAB PACIFIER- Wubba Nubs' Frog Pacifier

It may look goofy but this pacifier makes it easier for babies because you can tuck it in to a sleep positioner and it stays put! Eventually they can snuggle with it too!

2. FAB BABY BOTTLES- Dr. Browns Bottles

Makes a cranky baby happy because helps to prevent gas!

3. FAB BABY PRODUCTS -Mustela Bebe

They smell amazing, and the smell is baby! Not fake baby but yummy baby. So great!

4. FAB BOOK- On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam

It is the bible of babydom. If you don't get that baby on a schedule you'll never have a life! Also getting your child to be a good sleeper and a self soother will help them for a lifetime!

5. FAB DIAPER BAG- Stork Sak Gigi
If it was good enough for Angelina Jolie it's good enough for you! So many compartments and great accessories! Worth it for the changing pad alone and looks fabulous!


The Charmed Life Online said...

Amen! The Baby Wise book will save your sleep, your marriage and you sanity! I can't count how many copies of this book I have given to expectant Moms. Thanks for recommending it to others!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

LOVED the book. A friend recommended it to me before our daughter was born 4 years ago and I found it so helpful!

workinthatpreppy said...

have you been to some cute boys smocked clothes...

Shabbee Chick said...

We did Babywise with our two girls. They are now 6 and 9 and I swear by that book. You have to add your own wisdom to it, and not get stressed if the kids don't follow it precisely, but I'm convinced that it laid a foundation for the two wonderful kids they are today!

Thanks for visiting my blog-I'm glad I found yours!

PaperCourt said...

I'm also a babywise mama! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that book. I was also a Dr. Brown user although I didn't love was out of necessity b/c #2 couldn't suck an Avent.

TulipGirl said...

Just remember, not all mamas and babies have "fabulous" results with Babywise--a lot do not. Problems especially can arise with slowed growth or breastmilk supply issues.

Please be sure when you recommend Babywise to new moms to give disclaimers and encourage them to especially be alert to those issues.

Anonymous said...

Have you read Princess Bubble? I just bought that for my princesses and the message is very self esteem building.