
Fabulous Weekend- Polo Match

Hubby and I took Landon to his first polo match this past weekend. At first I thought a baby at a polo match was sheer INSANITY, but instead it was wonderful. We met some friends there and had a lovely picnic. Landon ran all over the field above the polo field so we could watch and he could still play. What really made it feel more fabulous was a little planning. We had china, cloth napkins, silver, homemade chicken salad (hubby has been watching TOP CHEF) and wine and cheese. It was a great day. This was the second to last match of the season, but we have vowed to catch more matches next year!


Sanity Break: Lunch for two

Once every month or so I do a Mommy and son lunch with Landon. I know this would not seem like a sanity break, to go to lunch with your fourteen month old, but it is. Lunches out with girlfriends become frenzied, trying to entertain the little mister and have a conversation. It's hard to talk about anything when you're asking someone constantly; "Do you want another Cheerio?"
Lunch with just him and me feels like a little vacation. I give him my full undivided attention, take him to a place that is loud enough to be kid friendly, but nice enough for me, and we have a ball. A funny thing happens too, I fall more in love with being a mom and with him. That is Fabulous.


Fabulous Find: Stationary

Thumbing through Town and Country Weddings I found a pot of GOLD! I have seen some stationary but this website blew my mind! Felix Doolittle has stationary, cards and the like but it's Felix Doolittle Jr that is so Fabulous. Here are a few of the items I will be ordering faster than you can say Play Date!

Stationary For Kids

Playdate Cards

Shower Invitations

Book Plates


Fabulous Holidays- Christmas Cards

If you haven't started on your hunt for cards you need to! I went to Fine Stationary and ordered these cute photo cards. They have everything from William Arthur to Kate Spade Papers. They are really a one stop shop! We did Landon's 1st birthday invitations with them too.
These cute kids in the picture are not mine! We were going to dress up and do a picture but I realized our vacation this past July to Hawaii was filled with wonderful kodak moments. So I picked what I think is the best one.
Other stationary sites I love:
Be sure to order asap! That way your fabulous cards will get to everyone on time!


Fabulous TV-Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

Tim Gunns Guide to Style on BRAVO is my new favorite show. Tim along with Veronica Webb (super model of days gone by), make over a new woman every week. Things get emotional as they go through their closets and dig through their underwear drawers. Looking great and feeling great is a way of taking care of yourself, putting yourself first. A lot of times we put kids, husbands, even our dog first. Then when someone asks you the simple question of why you're holding on to your faded black sweatpants you weep. You weep because it's not who you want to be! You weep because you can't believe it's who you've become and you're embarrassed. I had a similar moment with my best friend when she looked me dead in the eye and told me "you've lost your MOJO!" I cried. I had been through fertility hell and the last thing on my mind was myself, let alone my wardrobe. I took a good look at myself and started wearing jewelry again. I will always remember the quote from Steel Magnolias: "what separates us from animals is our ability to accessorize!" I think of that often when I feel too bogged down to be fabulous. That's when I change my outfit and my mood and get my MOJO back!
Tivo Tim Gunn's show, and in the mean time here is his list of essentials every woman needs to build a wardrobe. If you don't have these you need to get them asap! These are the ABC's of FABULOUSITY!

Trench coat

Classic dress pants



Classic white shirt

Day dress

Cashmere sweater


Sweatsuit alternative

One indulgent trendy item


Fabulous Find: for babies

Okay I hate the choices of fabrics for car seats. I mean who in the hell likes to see a brown or jean covered chair in the back? Zero style. YUCK.
Instead go to Lexie Rose and get yourself a stylish car seat cover. They make them for infant and toddlers seats.
While you're at it get your cutie a shopping cart/highchair cover from Handmade 4 Baby. You know those carts are nasty, and restaurant high chairs are GROSS!
They make ones for boys too! Landon's Blue Toile shopping cart cover was the talk of Sherman Oaks!

Fabulous Holidays- Halloween

Last year Landon was a just a babe but that didn't stop us from having a great Halloween. We went to a couple of houses with "The Chicken",

but then we had a dinner party for close friends. It was fun greeting kids at the door but also getting to have a nice dinner! The Mr. made Coq Au Vin. Delicious! This is a great idea if you have a little baby because after trick or treating they'll be asleep!
This year Landon will be moving from the barnyard to the sea. I think is the best for costumes. This Octopus was too much to resist. They have one in Pink for girls too! This year we'll have another dinner because Landon's Godmother and my best friend, is coming to town again. Halloween is her Christmas and she is the Queen of Style. I'll let you know what we cook up!


Fabulous List: baby essentials

Even though Landon is now a big boy at 14 months today! Whoohoo! I wanted to put a list out for all you new mommies or friends of ones, of things that I could not have lived without!

1. FAB PACIFIER- Wubba Nubs' Frog Pacifier

It may look goofy but this pacifier makes it easier for babies because you can tuck it in to a sleep positioner and it stays put! Eventually they can snuggle with it too!

2. FAB BABY BOTTLES- Dr. Browns Bottles

Makes a cranky baby happy because helps to prevent gas!

3. FAB BABY PRODUCTS -Mustela Bebe

They smell amazing, and the smell is baby! Not fake baby but yummy baby. So great!

4. FAB BOOK- On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam

It is the bible of babydom. If you don't get that baby on a schedule you'll never have a life! Also getting your child to be a good sleeper and a self soother will help them for a lifetime!

5. FAB DIAPER BAG- Stork Sak Gigi
If it was good enough for Angelina Jolie it's good enough for you! So many compartments and great accessories! Worth it for the changing pad alone and looks fabulous!


Sanity Break- Mom's Night Out!

I have devised a way to stay in touch with all my girlfriends and have a night out! I did an invite on . I like invitations by mail but this is a different deal. The Evite goes out once every two months to all my mommy girlfriends; I saved the template to make it easier. We go out to a new fun and fabulous restaurant each time. I even call ahead once I know the total number and they do a price fixed meal and a personalized menu! It makes the mom's feel so special and we have a blast. Sometimes there are 12 of us, sometimes there are 6, either way it really is a much needed break and way to dress up and feel girlie. A lot of mom's won't give themselves a date night with their hubby's let alone a girls night out. With me arranging it they feel no guilt at all! I call our group the HOT MAMAS. Here we are on one of our nights out!

Fabulous Find: for babies

Baby boys and toddlers get the worst of the clothing options but I am determined that Landon looks great. I love the Jon Jons from places like Orient Expressed and Vive La Fete. They are what little boys should look like dressed up. Rather than a little suit these jumpers keep them looking like babies not little men. You can even get better priced ones on Ebay. To top the look off you need these Elephantito T strap shoes for boys. They still have them on Amazon. Real leather! Brought to Landon by the Easter Bunny this year! They are pale blue and Fabulous. They go with everything!


One Fabulous Mom

I am One Fabulous Mom or at least I try! It's hard to hold it all together and manage to have a little style and class! Being a Mom, we all strive to do the best for our kids, but I think there's a way to do it without going crazy. Yes there are times when it is sheer insanity, but I think if you can get creative you can really make this Mom thing fun for you and your baby! Being a new Mother is the most challenging thing I've ever dealt with. Now that Landon is 14 months I am hitting my stride and I'm eager to share all my secrets with you. I will be doing posts on ways to keep your social life going, baby clothes I love, products I can't live without, and everything else! Of course I would love to know your favorites and secrets as well. If you are a fabulous Mom or strive to be, you are a hero and you are doing the hard work! Let me be the first to say: You Are One Fabulous Mom!