
Frozen Birthday Party Theme! How To Throw A Frozen Birthday Party!

Miss Coco, like a million other little girls is literally OBSESSED with FROZEN.

She sings all the songs, dressed up in the costumes and reads all the books. We eagerly await the release of the Frozen DVD!

With Coco's birthday coming in March, I decided to enlist my friend Myriam at MLC Event Planning to help me plan the perfect Frozen Party for Coco.

We are planning a...FROZEN TEA PARTY!!!

 These invitations by Lovely Divine on Etsy, went out last week! Aren't they amazing??

And we had to order a special dress so that she could be the only one in this Frozen inspired look!

Can't wait to show you all our decorating ideas!! Stay tuned!


3 Peanuts said...

That will be such a FUN party. LOve the dress. Kate also is obsessed with the music from frozen:) Can't wait to see more.

Bamawhitney said...

Can't wait to see all the details!

KatiePerk said...

What fun! I can't wait to see how you guys pull it off!

Kate said...

I can't wait to see the party! Coco is a lucky little lady!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

How fun! I miss planning birthday parties!

Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing! Glad you liked the invitation! She's going to have a fabulous party from what I'm seeing so far! :)


clara said...

thanks for sharing - you two are very cute!!