
Valentines Day Crafts!

I have been reading some of my friends blogs and have been reminded to get on this Valentines Day thing! EAS posted about some cute crafty finds and things to do. I love this bird feeder Valentine that Nantucket Daffodil posted about.

So cute and USEFUL!

Read more about it here: Hellobee seems so cute! Have to check it out even more now!

I ordered a few monkeys from Oriental Trading Company.

I'm going to give them out to Coco's class with a little heart card from her!

For Landon I am thinking of attempting this craft I found on Pinterest:

Isn't this so cute!  You can read more about it here.

What are you crafting for Valentines Day?


Finding Strength In Tough Times

We all go through seasons of really tough times and change. I find more and more I am looking to God for answers. This book is really helping me put it into perspective!

Ron Wagley is the type of person you want with you in a crisis! Sympathetic but offers expert advice, exercises and practices to weather the storm. He gives us Gods perspective, which at times I forget!

Here's one review:

If you unexpectedly found yourself lying in a hospital bed with medical personnel busily working all about you, Ron Wagley is the person you would want to see walking through the door. He brings a profound sense of peace, wisdom, and unshakeable trust in God wherever he goes. After he visited with you, you would know everything was going to be OK. If you were in that hospital bed, you probably wouldn't be able to write down all the wisdom that he shared with you. Thankfully, you wouldn't have to. This book is a gift to everyone who has endured a difficult time in their life. Wagley's grasp of Scripture, common sense wisdom, and breadth of thought, makes this a go-to book whenever storm clouds begin gathering overhead. --Richard Blackaby

I think this book is for anyone going through a tough time, or has been through one...so everyone!!!

Get it here.


Miracles All Around

(Don't let this picture fool you, he was smiling a few seconds later but had just gotten home!)

I was not happy or ready to be back at another hospital for surgery on Landons arm. I had already did a 10 day tour of duty with Coco at Childrens Hospital in December, and even though Landon's arm surgeries were scheduled long before, I didn't want to do it.

I hate that Landon has to have two surgeries a year on his arm. Last year when we told him it was happening again he threw up. I was dreading telling him. This time was different.

I think because Coco had been in the hospital, it had normalized the process for him a bit. I told him we were having surgery and getting a cast and he took it well. He was happy he wouldn't have to stay in the hospital like Coco did. I already had some presents lined up, special things planned (like a visit from Mimi and Pop), and he was okay with it.

Then on the actual morning we took him in, he was in great spirits and not scared at all. Even when we walked into the prep area, he was brave. nervous bu brave.  We had read "Franklin Goes To The Hospital" which details out everything from the ID bracelet to X-rays and makes it less scary. This book is amazing for any kid who has to go into the hospital, planned or not! 

And when he ran out of courage and it was time to leave us and go into surgery, the most precious thing happened. His doctor, who he's had since he was a baby, carried him into surgery. Landon dried his tears and draped himself over his shoulder.

I keep waiting for him to ask "why me?" but he doesn't. This is the only arm he's ever known. This is normal to him. I now see Coco's hospital stay was even part of the miracle of Landon's story and that even though you might not think so, miracles are all around.


The Myths Of Juicing And Why It's All The Rage! A coupon code for the REAL JUICE!

Believe me when I tell you I am the LAST person to try a juice. I barely ate fruit or veggies unless they were as part of my Chinese take out. After no longer fitting in any of my PANTS....I was willing to try anything!

There are several companies who offer juicing or cleansing. I chose "The Real Juice" and think they were the best.

Before juicing I thought:

1) My insides would fall out and I would be in the bathroom all day.
2) The juices would taste awful.
3) I wouldn't make it past the first day because I would be starving.
4) It wouldn't have lasting results.
5) It was for freaky health nuts and people obsessed with their weight!

Bottom line I was SCARED to try it. But, I did and I am so glad. Here's the real truth:

1) My insides DID NOT fall out and I WAS NOT in the bathroom all day. By doing the three days of curbing my diet beforehand ( I did all fruits and veggies, they provided a 3 day step down diet just as good!) this allowed my body to transition nicely.

2) The juices taste amazing. They alternate sweet and savory and even have one for dessert!

3) The first day of my three day diet before was hard. I stuck with it. The first day of juicing takes commitment too. So does the first day at the gym. You push through and when you make it to the other side you are thrilled!! I was not starving AT ALL. There are 6 juices a day and I could barely get through them all!

4) Lasting results? Not only did I lose 8 pounds, I got BACK IN CONTROL OF MYSELF. I fit in my pants. I don't feel tired. I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. This has changed the way I look at food! More on that later!

5) Juicing is for everyone. You can use a juice as a meal replacement or do a 3 or 5 day cleanse. The key is cutting back on things before you start to prep your body and being on a reduced diet after. I am back on all fruits and veggies with a little protein. Yes I miss my carbs, but I feel THIN so WHO CARES!

Give it a try!

Use coupon code: FabMom

Its good for 20% off any cleanse order from today through Sunday the 20th!! If you are outside their local delivery area then they you can email or call and they can quote an exact shipping cost to your zip code.


I Was Scared Of Juicing Too! Until The Real Juice!

Oh my goodness I sound like I am doing an infomercial, but when I find something works and I like it, I want to shout it from the rooftops!

The Real Juice is the REAL DEAL. I have lost 8 pounds! Woooooooo!!!!

Once you decide to order and go forward you get this amazing email!

Ok, you’ve committed to doing a juice cleanse! You’re excited to get going and heck, you wish you could just jump in today, but preparing properly is incredibly important. We’ve provided a guide detailing which foods to eliminate and when, and which foods to work into your daily diet. In order to yield the best results, stick to this list of dos and don’t as closely as possible.
3 Days Before
Completely eliminate the following:
Alcohol, red meat, poultry, dairy, and eggs.

Increase items listed in the ‘1 day before’ section below.

2 Days Before
At this point you should also phase out the following:
Cigarettes, caffeine, sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, bread, pasta, over the counter medicines, bottled sauces or condiments that contain additives and colorings (ex. ketchup, hot sauces, bottled dressings), and fish.

Increase items listed in the ‘1 day before’ section below.

1 Day Before
Diet should consist of only water, caffeine-free teas, raw fruit and vegetable juices, fruits, raw or lightly steamed vegetables, salads, veggie broths and soups (read labels thoroughly and avoid brands that pack their soups with additives), olive oil, herbs and spices. Recommended salad dressings would be fresh lemon juice, or olive oil and vinegar.

Pre- Cleanse Sample Menu
Banana smoothie.

Salad with a light vinaigrette dressing. Add avocado for protein.

Fruit/vegetable juice.

Veggie broth soup, and a salad with lemon juice dressing. Frozen banana for dessert.

Having three days before to prepare really helps. Still not convinced? Tomorrow I will dispel some juice rumors! You know which one in particular!


Juicing With The Real Juice!

I have declared D-Day on myself. I literally got to the point where none of my pants were fitting. The devil on my shoulder said:

"Go up a size. Who cares! You're tall! Buys some new pants and keep eating Pasta!!"

and the angel said:

"Really? We are running out of excuses here. Your "baby" is now 3. That is not baby weight. It's pasta weight."

That was it. Done. I called my friend Shannan.

She owns Tastybrand and has lost weight, looks great and has kept it OFF!

Her reccomendation?
A week of fruits a vegetables only....

And then...a JUICE.

What???? I was scared, but I jumped in and ordered one from The Real Juice.

Have you done a juice? I'm going to be brave and try it! Stay tuned!!! Hubby's doing it too!
