
Getting Kids Excited About Thanksgiving

I love a holiday. Any reason to decorate and I am IN. Thanksgiving, while fun, is one of the more boring holidays for kids. There are no gifts and not a ton of decorations, the things they love the most!

On instagram I saw one of my favorite bloggers Melissa of Love, Marriage and a Baby Carriage posted this:

This is a really sweet story about all the traditions of Thanksgiving told in a very funny and rhyming way. I really enjoyed reading it!!!

I also got:

This book focuses on what's really important about this holiday. Being thankful and grateful for what you have.

How do you share Thanksgiving with your kids?


Melissa said...

Thanks for the shout out! :) I'm so glad you loved the book, I think it's really cute too! They have a whole series and I plan on buying them for Landon (and any other kids we might have) as we hit those holidays or milestones (preschool, tooth fairy, kindergarten, etc).

Lori said...

Love Thanksgiving/Fall books, haven't seem these, will have to look for them for next year!:)