
Birthday Recap! Hotel Laguna!

One of my favorite things to do is head down to the Hotel Laguna and have lunch and be at the beach. The Hotel Laguna has one of those glass walls that let's you dine as if you're on the ocean. It's what California living is all about!

Coco, in her Lilly Pulitzer shift, felt compelled to take a call on her Elmo phone. The Mr. took the Buzz Lightyear one and they had a little chat! 

Meanwhile Landon and I hammed it up and watched the boogie boarders! After lunching on muscles, french fries and Pinot Grigio we headed down to the beach!

Coco looked so precious in her Lilly bathing suit! Bow too of course!

Landon had a ball! So nice to have those magic moments when life feels so perfect! Perfect birthday day!

Don't you want to know what that sweet little Coco is thinking as she looks out at the ocean? She's a beach girl like her Mama!


Jen said...

sounds like an awesome day! we are heading to the beach today, by coincidence - although up north!

Suburban Princess said...

Oh no! I missed your birthday! I am so sorry! I hope you had a wonderful and wish you many, many more!

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday! It looks like you and the family had a blast! The hubby and I were in Laguna Beach on Saturday night as well. 71 degrees with zero marine layer makes for a perfect night for outside dining!