
American Idol - They Got It Wrong!

I have been loving American Idol but still cannot believe they booted off my girl Pia. She was amazing. Really, of all of them, the greatest singer.

At least we still have her...

Roll. Eyes. Here.


Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

I couldn't agree more! What in the world???

Mrs. Kindergarten

Debra said...

You are so right! :) My husband thinks the judges should make the decision until the top 3. It think he's on to something..

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched this season but I've heard a lot about this elimination. Reminds me of Chris Daughtry's elimination but he did make it longer in the competition.

lizziefitz said...

So unlike you to root for a female singer, longtime follower with excellent memory for random facts, lol!

Mrs C. @ ToSoTs said...

I swear they do these things to get us upset!