
Show Me Monday- The Master Bedroom! And The WINNER!

Here we are in my serene blue master bedroom where the magic happens. And by magic I mean I magically get no sleep hearing Coco or Landon and still make it through another day. I digress....

The master bedroom has been a bit of a conundrum. You can see we have the bed in front of the window. Kind of a big NO NO. The reason we moved it though was because of this beam above. When the bed is on the other wall it is between us. Before we moved the bed it was giving us bad money JUJU. When we moved everything started to turn around. I am reticent to move back even though hubby does not like being on the window!

I have thought about doing one of those curtains on the ceiling the length of the wall, creating a headboard affect a la Nate Berkus, but the ceiling is slanted! Curses!

Have to say the best money ever spent thought was having California Closets come and do Hubbys and my closet. Now I feel like I'm shopping!

We use Frette bedding in winter (duvet) and this Ralph Lauren comforter in summer. It is so soft and fabulous but out of date! Haven't found anything I like since so I am up for suggestions.

We want to get a three drawer long chest for under the TV and the highboy is an old family antique. Big but I love it!

Also want to do fabulous pics of us holding the babies a la Tori and Deans current bedroom in Encino!

Told you I'm obsessed! Okay show me yours or tell me what you think!?

Now for the winner of the adorable Lilly P dress!

Mrs. Preppy!!!!
Email me at with your address!


One Fabulous Mom Gets A Makeover!

It has been long overdue and thank god for the fabulous Danielle at The Design Girl. She is beyond fabulous! We're still working out a few kinks but I am LOVING IT!!!!!! What do you think?


Just Another Part Of Me

Watching a whole day Of Michael Jackson (Happy Birthday!) and I had to post this. It just gives me chills!!!


Tori Spelling and Dean McDermotts House! OBSESSED!

As my house tour continues (Master bedroom on Monday! Who's in?)

I thought I would post some pictures of a house I just covet. Tori and Deans house decor is so fabulous I am obsessed with looking at it on their TV show.

Now I know it's over the top but I really like it.

Love the chairs at the kitchen table, and the headboard in the bedroom! And Stella's hot pink room! Join me Monday for more house tour and don't forget to enter the Lilly Giveaway!!


Lilly Puliitzer End Of Summer Giveaway!

I thought I would pass on my good fortune! I picked up this fabulous Lilly P dress at Marshalls for all of $7! Retail:$88!!!!!

It can be yours!!

Just leave a comment telling me what you are most looking forward to about fall for one entry.

For two entries, a comment and a follow.

For three entries, a comment, a follow, and follow on twitter!

Good Luck!
Winner will be revealed Monday in the bottom of my house tour post.

xoxo The Mrs.

PS: Mondays room is your master bedroom! Join me on the house tour!


Flatware, Oh Flatware what should I choose?!

This whole flatware dilemma is bugging me. Currently I am using the blue flatware above. This is what my parents used with our Italian Blue Spode patter for everyday. Guess what? I have the Italian Blue as well. Why do we want to be our parents so badly? Because they did everything right!

Well now I am doing a whole different apple green thing in the kitchen so I am moving away from the blue slowly but surely. I need an everyday flatware! I cannot find one preppy and fun enough, well made and good enough. Any ideas? (Feel free to chime in Dad and Mom!!)

For our formal ware we use Towle old master, Royal Crown Derby in Old Avesbury and our semi casual flatware (for friends over) is our bamboo handled flatware.

I need help! Come on ladies. Don't let me down! What do you use?

xo The Mrs.



A giveaway is coming. Can you feel it? Lilly Pulitzer!! It will be up on Thursday!!! xo
The Mrs.

Feeling Salty? Are our kids having too much salt?

Watched GMA yesterday (I tivo it and watch it at night, because you know there's no watching TV in the morning with two kids!!!), and they had a whole segment on processed meats and salt. Let me start by saying that like my pal Muffy Martini, I love Vienna Sausages. I also feed Landon Oscar Meyer Bologna. Hey I ate it and I turned out okay? (Well sort of.)

Here they were bashing my precious friends the hot dog, salami, bologna and other processed meats. Said there is now direct correlation between processed meats and colon cancer in adults. YIKES. So they asked, why risk it with kids?

Hmm. Then they said the real reason the processed meats are no bueno, is the salt content.

"Savard noted that a generic turkey sandwich has nearly the same amount of salt as a hot dog and bun -- nearly the maximum allowance of salt for the entire day.

Too much sodium, Savard said, increases blood volume, forcing your heart to work harder and putting more pressure on your arteries, which can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disease or a stroke."

Double yikes!
So now I am in a panic. We do bologna, hot dogs, hamburgers and salty fries... I think I need to rethink Landon's diet. Yes I do organic chicken breasts, organic mac and cheese, fruits and veggies. I am just thinking of cutting some of this out or at least way back.

What do you feed your kids? Be honest. Let's come clean!!!

xo The Mrs.


Show Me Monday- The Dining Room Edition!

So glad so many of you are joining in on the house tour! Keeks and Brie had it right that it helps you to clean up and get fabulous suggestions! I was told that Kelly's Corner did a similar house tour thing. Great minds think alike!!!

So here we are in the dining room.

Had curtains made at Calico Corners in Coral, they came out a little redder than I wanted but I'm going with it!

Sideboard is a find from the Estate Sale Company in Palm Springs, which has to die for deals.

Lemon chandy came from a house hubby was redoing and they were throwing out! And antique from Paris! Can you believe they were getting rid of it? I have a thing for lemons which you'll see when we get to the kitchen!

Dining room table is plantation style from Crate and Barrel. Dying for new dining room set but baby girl Coco's room comes first!

I am not sure if I am liking the lemon yellow, now that the drapes came out more red....still trying to decide.

This is one of my favorite things in the room. A Ferragamo scarf with all his shoes!

Okay, show me your dining room? Or at least tell me what you think of mine!

xoxo The Mrs.


Show Me Living Room- Redone Thanks to Blogger Comments! And A Giveaway!

Here are the new photos. I took the advice you guys gave (really Jan Jessup, thanks!) And rearranged the whole room so you can see the fireplace and window better. Also moved the chinoiserie chair to our bedroom which you will be seeing soon!

What do you think?

Here's the before (above)....

And after!

I also did a little "jujing" (remember how Carson Kressly would juj his sleeves? On Fab five?) and hung art differently and redid the book shelf.

Here's Hubbys shelf....

And mine!

xo The Mrs.


Worried- Baby is eating but not gaining weight--UPDATE

I have been watching Coco's weight. She went from the 20% for weight to the 10%. I decided I would weigh her and track in between the 4 and 6 month visits. I weighed her a week and a half ago and she weighed 12.6 pounds. Weighed her today 12.6 pounds. I am in a panic and headed to the pediatrician. Worried. Say a prayer for my sweet Coco that nothing's wrong.

The Mrs.

All is well. Coco gained since her last docs visit and is skinny but on track. I am staying on top of it though. She also went up in height and head circumference and also is on track developmentally. Phew. I will say though that Miss Coco flirted non stop with her pediatrician, Dr. Scott. I think she's trying to nab herself a doctor. LOL.


Daily Routine For Feeding Your Baby- 5 months already!!!

Believe me when I tell you, I feel like I forgot everything after having Landon. Coco is now 5 months and I am going to start feeding her solids this weekend!
I was trying to figure out a new schedule for her, including bottle and food. I found this at

Schedule 5: A formula-feeding stay-at-home mom of a 5-month-old

Editor's note: This schedule is a parent-led routine

6 a.m.: Baby wakes up and has an 8-ounce bottle.

6 to 7 a.m.: Playtime with Mommy.

7 a.m.: Cereal and pureed fruit (baby food).

8:30 to 10 a.m.: Naptime.

10 to 11 a.m.: Playtime.

11 a.m.: 6- to 8- ounce bottle and jar of fruit (baby food).

Noon to 2 or 3 p.m.: Naptime.

3 p.m.: 6- to 8-ounce bottle.

3 to 6 p.m.: Playtime.

6 to 6:30: We go for our evening walk.

6:30 p.m.: Cereal and veggies (baby food).

6:45 p.m.: Bath time.

7 p.m.: Prayers, 8-ounce bottle, brush his teeth.

7:15 p.m.: Bedtime — Baby sleeps until the next morning.

Looks Ideal to me! What's your routine? I'd love to know!
xoxo The Mrs.


I am overwhelmed by the support, advice, and guidance you guys have given me. Thank you for your kindness. I will let you know what happens and I will post a picture of the tummy.

Love you all.
The Mrs.


Permanently Pregnant Stomach- Is that your final answer? Tummy Tuck?

I have a little secret I decided to share. Why? Because this blog is the real deal.
And because I want to help someone else.
And for support of course!!

Oh friends, I have been battling this issue since Landon was born. I have posted before about my permanently pregnant stomach or "PPS" as I call it. It's very frustrating when I good day is only one person asking when I am due. (A bad day is five people asking).

It's been five months since Coco was born, but I have had this problem for three years. My tummy never went down after having Landon and now it has no intention of going anywhere after Coco.

To say that this has been depressing for me only mildly describes the situation. Poor hubby has to hear about it day and night. I hate getting dressed, because even with a Yummy Tummy Tank Top, it looks like I am 6 months pregnant. I have taken to wearing black a lot, and I love color. Give me pink and green any day vs black. I refuse to buy anything but clothes from Target, because I will not spend anymore money looking like this.

We've come to an impasse, pregnant tummy and me, and I am taking drastic action. I headed over to Dr. Andrew Ordon (From the show The Doctors), to get his professional opinion on the PPS. I told him to give it to me straight.

Dr. Ordon said there is no amount of sit ups I can do to get my muscles back. They are so far apart, there is a hole there! He basically needs to sew me back together and pull the muscles tight again like a corset!

Truth is my bellybutton is GONE. Flat. Also it is herniated. So I have a little lump there. Pretty huh? My stomach is measuring at 40 inches. That is a size 20 girls. If you know a cute J crew outfit in a size 20 let me know cause I haven't seen it.

Up until now I have been very anti-surgery, but now, seeing that this may be my only option, I am thinking I am going to have a tummy tuck. Gulp. I am scared, worried about the pain, but cannot live like this anymore. I have back pain all the time, can't exercise without hurting myself etc.

So there it is. My secret is I am going to have a tummy tuck. The real question is, will I post a picture of my tummy, before and after. Not sure if I'm brave enugh for that. Do you want to see it? Really?

PS Feel free to post anonymously if you have this issue and don't want anyone to know!!!
PPS I know it's only been 5 months, but Dr, Ordon said I am back to baseline. This is as good as it will get for me.

xo The Mrs.


BEST BABY GIFT EVER!! Lilly Pulitzer Night Light!

Okay I have extolled the virtues of the Itzbeen baby timer,
but this was the best.

Lilly Pulitzer Night Light!

My adorable friend Anne gave this to Miss Coco. She gave us the cabana one and it is so darn cute!

I then started having an idea for Coco's first birthday party. Cabana and green....can you say Beverly Hills Hotel? I'll fill you in more in another post!

The Mrs.


Show Me Monday- The Living Room Edition

I love going inside other peoples houses. Snooping around to see how they decorate, which kitchen soap they use, and if their towels are monogrammed! HA! Don't you just love to see if people are pack rats? Or if they are neat freaks?

I thought it would be fun to do a little house tour. I'm starting with my living room.

Every Monday I'll show you a different room in my house, what I like, don't like, am working on etc.

Let me start by saying I am going for a Palm Beach Casual decorating style. I love colorful, summery, preppy looks with fun accents. First I painted one wall, by the fireplace in a lime green.

I had a sagey green couch in a chenille fabric I wanted to punch up a little with more color, so I had curtains made at Calico Corners in a fabric called Summerlin, Palm Beach.

In the fabric are wonderful light blues, greens and corals.

Hubby spotted the arm chair at a garage sale (2 for $75!) Luckily although they need to be recovered, the kind of work for now. I inherited my Grandmommies purple velvet couch and some of her artwork as well. The purple kind of throws my color scheme off, but until I can recover it's stayin!

The black lacquered chair is in a gift from my step sister, and decorated with a Pierre Deux chinoiserie fabric.

I am thinking about lacquering the coffee table and two other side tables I found in coral, and getting the purple couch recovered in a coral shade.

Hubby made this large format book case (isn't he so Aiden from Sex and the city!?) But we are going to built in book shelves here (all our greatest books are in the garage! Horrible!) We also want to do built in shelves around the fire place.

The living room is a work in progress! Okay play along with me and show me your living room. Let me know if you do!!! I'm dying to snoop!

The Mrs.


Friday Fun! The Summer Fun Tag!

The summer is winding I thought for fun, I'd do a little summer quiz. Play along won't you?

Favorite Summer Movie: Blue Crush

Favorite Summer Cocktail: Mojito

Favorite Summer Song: Summertime, by Billy Stewart

Favorite Summer Meal: Roasted Chicken, greek salad, and garlic cous cous

Favorite Summer Outfit: Lilly P skirt, gold bonanos sandals, and white tank

Favorite Summer Reading: Mommywood, By Tori Spelling

Favorite Summer Moment: Landon falling asleep in the back of the car on the way to the Cabin in Virginia, and watching fireworks in Laguna on the 4th.

How about you?

Here are the rules:
Copy this quiz
Tag ten people
Let them know they're tagged!

I'm tagging:
1)Domestic Diva
2)I Pick Pretty
3)Nautical By Nature
4)Petunia In Paradise
5) Angry Julie Monday
6) Monograms and manicures
7) Magnolias, Marriage, and Manhattan
8) Kikibee
9)Muffy Martini
10) Prep School 101

xoxo The Mrs.


Bachlorette Betrayed By Ed? Say It Ain't So!!

Oh ladies...I know the whole Bachelorette thing never works out (except for ONE TIME), but I keep hoping for more. What do I need to do visit a therapist? Get a de programming? Have Tony Robbins come to the house and knock some sense into me? I need to SNAP OUT OF IT!

I picked up the latest copy of US Weekly and there it was. "Bachlorette Betrayed!" I know these magazines are full of it most of the time, but I just had to see. One thing I will say about all the gossipy weekly magazines, is there is always a grain of truth there somewhere. With that said, read on.

The article says he had, and has, not one but two girlfriends. One, Lindsey Johnson, he dated for a year. He promised to propose to her and said he just had to do the show first. (huh?) Bethany Steffen says they slept together after he left the show and before he went back!

Worse, Johnson says she slept with Ed before, during and after the engagement. There's even a picture with her when they went to a wedding together April 25th. Hello, the Bachelorette started March 29th.

What do you think? What's the more likely story? That these two girls are bitter, making up stories out of jealousy and to get attention?
That Ed is a player, has many girls after him, is doing a bit of juggling and is NOT a good guy?

Starting to think Jillian made the wrong choice!
The Mrs.
