
One Fab Mom Meets Muffy Martini! Two Blogworlds Collide!

Ladies, I can die happy because I have met THE "Muffy Martini". Oh yes. We had a scheduled L.A. Blogger meet up and they all defaulted. We decided to be very UN L.A, (no flakey people!), and meet for dinner ourselves!

I must say that on the way to meet Muffy dearest I started having visions of her actually being a 500 pound man. Not to worry dolls, she was Lilly Pulitzer and sweet as pie. Muffy even showed me a picture of her darling Skip. How cute are they! They are knee deep in wedding planning.

We dined on Italian food and wine and I bored her to tears with my Coco pictures! In my defense she egged me on telling me how beautiful she is.

All in all a wonderful evening. So glad I got to meet a bloggy friend!!

xo The Mrs.


BroncoMom said...

So glad you had fun. I can only imagine the laughs and giggles that you both shared.

Pretty Personal Gifts said...

how fun!!!

Sandra said...

That is so, so great!! What a marvelous evening! xoxo

PaperCourt said...

How fun! I'm jealous...I want to have dinner with OFM.

Lamp Tramp said...

How fun, I remember her from my daughter's first blog. She was always so sweet to my daughter....many worlds ago. You are so lucky to be so mobile, on- the-go and still FABULOUS, with your busy schedule as a Mom, writer, wife, and blogger. You totally amaze me. I need life lessons from you!

Muffy said...

Thank you the kind words, darling! You are super fabulous! We must meet again soon!

(aka THE "Muffy Martini" HAHA!)

Mags said...

What fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun, fun! When are you coming to Florida? :)

cancersucks said...

I'm glad you guys had such a fun time...we are gearing up for our east coast preppy bloggers get together before the fall Lilly Sale. Don't forget my invitation to you.

Dugout Daisy said...

Muffy told me all about the great time you two had! I only wish I had been able to go too! I was at work until 7 that night... been working late all week, :(
We must meet up soon!!!

Suzanne said...

Sounds like fun! We're headed your way next April on vacation, maybe we could all meet up!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

It sounds lovely!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

What fun! I would love to meet all of my blogger friends sometime!