
Five On Friday- My Top Five Most Popular Blog Posts Of The Year

I got this idea from September Acres, who has a fabulous blog herself! Of course this Friday Five I am connecting with these amazing ladies who all seem to be pregnant!! It's in the water look out! LOL

Here are my top five most popular blog posts of 2013. Let's do it David Letterman style to make it more suspenseful!

5. The Five Best Thanksgiving Ideas From Pinterest- My Friday Five!

Well of course. These ideas are amazing. Especially this!!!

4.  RIP Lilly Pulitzer- Anythings Possible With Sunshine and A Little Pink

Lilly Pulitzer is not just a brand. It's an attitude. Read on!

3.  March is National Reading Month With Levar Burton!

I am so happy that this is a popular post! Reading Rainbow is back in a big way!

2.  The Best Hotel In Santa Barbara- The Montecito Inn!

And I feel that the love is mutual because they send me a Christmas Card! LOL

And the most popular post of 2013 is.......

1. The Going Rate for The Toothfairy. How much do you give?

This was a controversial post! Weigh in!!!

Thanks for a great year!!!!Looking forward to a fabulous 2014!!!!

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