
The Going Rate For The Tooth Fairy- How Much Do You Give?

Maybe I'm cheap.

Actually I'm not cheap I'm smart. I shop at Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Target. I love a bargain. I am not cheap with my kids. They have nice clothes, toys, take gymnastics and ballet....I'm not afraid to spend money on those two!

Which brings me to the Tooth Fairy. Apparently I am the cheapest one around.

Landon has been losing teeth left and right for a few months. We have been giving him 2 silver dollars. Yes darlings that is 2 bucks!

Asking around I am finding out people are giving $10 and $20 a tooth!! WHAT?? Really? I thought it was crazy. They explained that they got $1 when they where kids so they are adding for inflation. Landon is perfectly happy with his 2 bucks, but I started to feel guilty! Am I not giving enough?

Maybe I need to adjust it a little. Give $5? Or am I keeping them unspoiled and sweet?

I need to know. How much do you give for teeth? What's the going rate for the tooth fairy??


prince snow farm said...

$5, however, your 2 silver dollars are probably worth more in today's market!

eas said...

We aren't to that stage yet but I was thinking $1. And I tend to really spend on my kids also. $10-that is a lot! Those kids are going to expect a Range Rover for their 16th birthday.

Kayris said...

A dollar. Twenty dollars for a tooth is ridiculous. When I was a kid, I got a quarter!

Hillcrest Acres said...

I'm with you on this one. I'm "cheap" when it comes to the tooth fairy. My kiddies are in middle school and high school now but when they were getting visits from the tooth fairy, they received a dollar for each tooth. At that time, other kids were receiving $5 and $10 for a tooth. I think you are keeping it realistic and keeping the kids sweet and unspoiled.

Melissa Lester said...

Our tooth fairy brings $1 for regular teeth, and a little more for teeth lost in a more dramatic way, such as when the orthodontist wanted a lot of Mary Ashley's teeth pulled to make room for permanent teeth. Several friends give considerably more, but with four children, that's a lot of teeth!

Kathleen said...

Long time follower, first time to comment. Our tooth fairy gives a $2.00 bill. Stick with what you do!!


Kathleen said...

I am a long time follower but this is my first time to comment. Our tooth fairy gives a two dollar bill. Keep doing what you are doing!


Andy said...

$1! And a LOT of glitter.

DawnW said...

I'm with the $1 folks! I thought long and hard about it when my first one lost his first tooth and decided that there is no reason to give them so much money for a lost tooth!! Come on - don't give in. It won't benefit them at all to drain the little tooth fairy's bank!

Anonymous said...

Tooth Fairy money should be for things that they would/could save for and buy themselves...candy, stickers, coloring books, games etc... They have NO concept of the value of money, and this is our opportunity to begin teaching them on a level they will understand.

The Mr.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

It varies here on the east coast, too, but I would never give in and give $5 or $10 on a regular basis! CRAZY! In our house the FIRST tooth got $5, but each tooth thereafter gets $2. Stick to it!

ModernDayMom said...

We give $2 per tooth--but only because I didn't trust my husband the first night, and put in a $1 thinking he'd forgotten. Now we're stuck at what I was thinking was a high rate. I really like the silver dollars idea, though. That's something to pass along!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Well mine are 18 and 16 now, but they got a dollar a tooth. Even now I think that is plenty!

Lori said...

Our tooth fairy leaves $1. There may have been a time or two that $2 was left but never more than that. I agree with Nantucket Daffodil, silver is the way to go!:)

Anonymous said...

Check out this article, average seems to be $2.42.

Emily said...

I thought we were the only family with a rate of $1.00 a tooth. Happy to hear we have lots to like-minded smart parents!

Debra said...

We give $1 per tooth. One time when we were camping and Adi lost her tooth and it then fell on the ground and a dog ate it (really) we did give her $5 but that's the smallest bill either of us had at the time. We explained that since the dog ate the tooth she got extra (makes no sense, does it??) $10 or $20 sounds crazy to me. We got 25 cents when we were younger and my husband got 10 cents (13 kids there).

If your kids are happy with what you give then I'd leave it the way you're doing it. :)

Beth Dunn said...

You so live in LA! HA. We give a dollar

CarlaB said...

Reasonable Dad said...

I don't know who you guys are asking, but in my daughter's school, the going rate is $20 per tooth. It takes years for all of them to come out, lie 3 to 5. So your talking $400 spread out of at least 4 years. That's roughly 38 cents a week! That's hardly an expensive savings plan. Cut a cup of coffee one day a month .

Reasonable Dad said...


Reasonable Dad said...

The more I think about this, the more frustrated I get. Explain to the child that this is a savings plan and if they spend it, the tooth fairy will not leave that much any more. Besides, what could kids buy with a dollar or two? Remember it takes years for all of them to come out.