
Friday Five! Cardio Barre, The Blacklist and The Eagles Oh My!


Here are the things I am loving right now! Brought to you by these lovely ladies: A. Liz Adventures, Hello! Happiness, The good life blog and Carolina Charm.

1. Cardio Barre-

Ladies I cannot tell you how long it had been since I exercised! I am now re invigorated after discovering Cardio Barre. It's low impact, high energy and fun. Have you tried it?

This is a video of the guy who runs my studio!

2. The Blacklist

James Spader is back and more evil than ever! I just love him and the show is riveting! Check it out on NBC!

3. I made this Greek Yogurt Chicken from Laloosh and it was great! You don't even need to marinate it. Just whip it up!

Lowfat and delicious!

4. I went to see the Eagles in concert and I have to say I was pretty impressed. They sounded great and were funny as hell. Go see them if you can :)

5. The Target Ankle Skinny Jean is rocking my world. Just got the dark denim too. Hello they are $11!!!!! The have cute little zippers on the back of the ankle!


Bamawhitney said...

LOVE Blacklist!!! Also, if those jeans came in a short version I would be all over them!! Cardio Barre sounds pretty neat!

3 Peanuts said...

I so want to do cardio barre!!! I never heard of it before. I do The Bar Method and I have really seen a big difference…mostly in my thighs. I would like cardio barre though cause I am guessing it is better for weight loss too.

KatiePerk said...

Hmm I think I need those jeans!! CardioBarre would kill me.

clarice said...

cardio exercice is the reason i write here now - great work there , everybody should do that ! stay fit!!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Love your list- will have to check out those jeans!