I feel like my 20th was a minute ago! (Here I am with the gals pregnant as hell!) I also feel like how in the world am I old enough to be out of high school 25 years!
I am old (I told myself). Then....I started thinking about what I have been up to for the past 25 years.
Here's just some of it:
Graduating high school
Going to college
Falling in love with Florida
Falling in love with a bad boy
Learning that bad boys who are aloof, suck
Joining a sorority
Making amazing girl friends who are like family
Learning about myself
Going to Europe
Figuring out my career path
Moving to NYC
Doing improv
Doing stand up
Doing jobs to help keep up my art (coat checking, bar tending, waitressing)
Booking my first commercial
Having my appendics out
Acting in my first big movie
Acting in my first off Broadway show
Moving to CA without knowing anyone
Getting a job as apartment manager of a 100 unit bldg
Selling my first screen play
Doing a movie with Kevin Costner
Buying myself a car
Friendship shifts, changes and losses
Meeting the one
Learning how to let someone in
Getting two cats
Getting married
Honeymooning in Greece
Getting a dog
Buying my first house
Going on safari in Africa
Going to Dominican Republic
Having fertility issues
Doing in vitro
Getting a new car
Getting pregnant
Dealing with a special needs child
Starting a blog
Loving motherhood
Starting play groups
Helping Landon through surgeries
Getting pregnant again
Giving myself injections
Having a tummy tuck
Doing a one woman show
Starting a social media company
Turning 40Taking in a partner
Doubling my business
Taking on new partners
Tripling my business
Learning to juggle work and mommy hood
Learning I didn't like it
Being brave enough to walk away
To be honest I am starting to feel not OLD but ACCOMPLISHED. Have you ever listed it out like this? I think it really shows you all you have done! Have you been to your high school reunion yet? Are you nervous? Excited? Or feeling ACCOMPLISHED??!!