
25th High School Reunion- Old? NO. Accomplished? YES.

Believe it or not my 25th high school reunion is days away. 
I feel like my 20th was a minute ago! (Here I am with the gals pregnant as hell!) I also feel like how in the world am I old enough to be out of high school 25 years! 
I  am old (I told myself). Then....I started thinking about what I have been up to for the past 25 years.

Here's just some of it:

Graduating high school
Going to college
Falling in love with Florida
Falling in love with a bad boy
Learning that bad boys who are aloof, suck
Joining a sorority
Making amazing girl friends who are like family
Learning about myself
Going to Europe
Figuring out my career path
Moving to NYC
Doing improv
Doing stand up
Doing jobs to help keep up my art (coat checking, bar tending, waitressing)
Booking my first commercial
Having my appendics out
Acting in my first big movie
Acting in my first off Broadway show
Moving to CA without knowing anyone
Getting a job as apartment manager of a 100 unit bldg
Selling my first screen play
Doing a movie with Kevin Costner
Buying myself a car
Friendship shifts, changes and losses
Meeting the one
Learning how to let someone in
Getting two cats
Getting married
Honeymooning in Greece
Getting a dog
Buying my first house
Going on safari in Africa
Going to Dominican Republic
Having fertility issues
Doing in vitro
Getting a new car
Getting pregnant
Dealing with a special needs child
Starting a blog
Loving motherhood
Starting play groups
Helping Landon through surgeries
Getting pregnant again
Giving myself injections
Having a tummy tuck
Doing a one woman show
Starting a social media company
Turning 40Taking in a partner
Doubling my business
Taking on new partners
Tripling my business
Learning to juggle work and mommy hood
Learning I didn't like it
Being brave enough to walk away

To be honest I am starting to feel not OLD but ACCOMPLISHED. Have you ever listed it out like this? I think it really shows you all you have done! Have you been to your high school reunion yet? Are you nervous? Excited? Or feeling ACCOMPLISHED??!!


Top Five Easy Halloween Party Recipes

I have a Halloween Trick or Treat party every year and am ALWAYS on the hunt for new and EASY fabulous recipes! Here are my top five that I am loving right now!

1) Witches Fingers (From Eat Yourself Skinny)

2) Pizza Mummies from Spoonful

3) Ghost Bananas and mini pumpkins

4)  Candy Corn Pretzel Fudge by Illuna

5) Eye-Scream by sunlit Spaces

 On a plate, place two round scoops of vanilla ice cream. Make a couple streaks on the scoops with strawberry syrup. Place a blue, brown, or green M&M on the center of the scoop, and add a dot of black decorating gel in the middle of the M&M.

What are your favorite Halloween recipes?


Friday Five!

Getting the hang of this now!

Here are my favorite five things right now:

1) Polka Dots and Moonbeams had a grand RE-Opening Last Night! I am telling you no matter your size these ladies can make people look good! Here's proof!!!

2) I just ordered this Pottery Barn Kids "Catalina" bed as a surprise for Landon. He's having surgery on Dec 4 and I wanted him to have a big boy bed to show how brave he is. It's ON SALE!

I can't wait to get it all assembled!

3)  Love stores like Blue Bird in LA where they sell gently used clothes and toys for kids. Scored a few winter coats for NOTHING and they are gorgeous. Do you have these types of upscale resale shops where you are?

4. I am thinking of a rug like this and a look like this for our living room. This is Jonathan Adler. I think it's chic and modern and I kids of love a little humor too! My friend Carrie who writes Pearl and Pierce Home decorates like this and I need her to come over ASAP!

5)  I am obsessed with the Hamilton Beach Iced Tea Maker. Had to order another one however, because that guy cannot go in the dish washer.

Since I do not drink coffee, and I am constantly tired (hello, I'm a MOTHER), this gets me through the day.

Want to join the Friday five?

All you have to do is LINK UP! Post your Five things you like and then post the blog links to one or all of our hosts (Carolina Charm, A. Liz Adventures, The Good Life Blog and Hello! Happiness). Then post your button:

.....and go to one of their sites to share the link to your post. 
Come join us!


What's Your Favorite Blog?

Aren't you always curious to know what other people are reading? Liking? I guess that's why Facebook and Instagram exist. So we can like and find out what everyone's doing!

I am a long time blogger and I have many favorites. I like to read: "Between Naps On The Front Porch" for her decor and table scapes, Prince Snow Farm, for her gardening adventures, A Time For Everything for her journey to her daughter, and Three Peanuts, The Perks, September Acres, and Pink in a Sea of Blue,  just seem like great friends with great things to say! (I have more but this is a short list!)

I have a new blog I'm reading however, that is controversial, deep, thought provoking and well GOOD.


She just wrote a post called: The Path.

One of the things she mentions is that you will NEVER find the perfect life balance. She likens it to finding a unicorn! Instead lean on people, keep going and you will make it. Just stay on the path.

As a person who is ALWAYS struggling with this I can say this was a comfort for me. I am an insanely high energy person but even I feel wiped out from trying to keep all the engines running. This blog is great for helping you put it all in perspective. I am really glad I found it!

Okay I want to know your favorite blog. It can be about anything, just something you love to read. Come on and share! I want your blog to be my new favorite too!

You will never find your perfect life “balance” on the path for the same reason you will never find a unicorn on the path – because these things don’t exist. Forget unicorns and balance. If you were perfectly balanced- you’d never have to take any ones hand to steady yourself, and that would be a tragedy. There is no solid ground on the path – so don’t hold your breath till you find it. Breathe deeply and keep moving forward awkwardly. You can make it down the whole path imbalanced and flailing. When you fall, give thanks for the opportunity to rest. While you’re down, send love to every other path walker who’s down with you at that moment. Then get back up. Or crawl. Crawling is encouraged and respected. Path running is fine, but crawling is much better. Crawlers travel with their eyes close to the ground – so they never miss an inch of the beautiful, rocky path. Crawlers get less glory but learn the most about the path’s terrain. - See more at: http://momastery.com/blog/2013/10/10/5-things-know-path/#sthash.Pg01L9Hw.dpuf

You will never find your perfect life “balance” on the path for the same reason you will never find a unicorn on the path – because these things don’t exist. Forget unicorns and balance. If you were perfectly balanced- you’d never have to take any ones hand to steady yourself, and that would be a tragedy. There is no solid ground on the path – so don’t hold your breath till you find it. Breathe deeply and keep moving forward awkwardly. You can make it down the whole path imbalanced and flailing. When you fall, give thanks for the opportunity to rest. While you’re down, send love to every other path walker who’s down with you at that moment. Then get back up. Or crawl. Crawling is encouraged and respected. Path running is fine, but crawling is much better. Crawlers travel with their eyes close to the ground – so they never miss an inch of the beautiful, rocky path. Crawlers get less glory but learn the most about the path’s terrain. - See more at: http://momastery.com/blog/2013/10/10/5-things-know-path/#sthash.Pg01L9Hw.dpuf

You will never find your perfect life “balance” on the path for the same reason you will never find a unicorn on the path – because these things don’t exist. Forget unicorns and balance. If you were perfectly balanced- you’d never have to take any ones hand to steady yourself, and that would be a tragedy. There is no solid ground on the path – so don’t hold your breath till you find it. Breathe deeply and keep moving forward awkwardly. You can make it down the whole path imbalanced and flailing. When you fall, give thanks for the opportunity to rest. While you’re down, send love to every other path walker who’s down with you at that moment. Then get back up. Or crawl. Crawling is encouraged and respected. Path running is fine, but crawling is much better. Crawlers travel with their eyes close to the ground – so they never miss an inch of the beautiful, rocky path. Crawlers get less glory but learn the most about the path’s terrain. - See more at: http://momastery.com/blog/2013/10/10/5-things-know-path/#sthash.Pg01L9Hw.dpuf


Five on Friday

This is my first time participating with a Link UP! Welcome to Five On Friday!

Brought to you by these fabulous bloggers: The Good Life Blog, A. Liz Adventures, Hello Happiness, and Carolina Charm. I follow these and all the blogs I love on Blog Lovin.

Let's get started!

1) I am loving trying new breakfast ideas on the weekends. Here's why! Last weekend my husband made this:

Chorizo omelette! Chorizo, and Mexi cheese topped with avocado, cilantro and tomatoes. Yes I have married WELL.

2) Got this little project done! Coco's new dress up area! I'm going to do a video tutorial on it!!

3) I am so hair challenged. Thank God the DRY BAR can make me look like this!!!! This was at the Young Life Fundraiser.

4) I am becoming obsessed with Retro Wifey because she posts things like this:

Didn't you just LOVE Bewitched?? You must like her page on FB!

And Last:

5) These Target Jeans are amazing. Made well, look great and are CHEAP!!! Get em!



Weight Lifting Mom Controversy: That's Heavy!

I know pregnant women are supposed to stay in shape and all but I have to admit this made me choke on my latte.

It's visually stunning isn't it?

I can assure you NOTHING like this was going on in my pregnancies with Landon and Coco. The only weight lifting I was doing was lifting the huge forkful of  fettuccine Alfredo into my mouth! Only because we're friends I will show you!

Uh huh. It doesn't help that the friend next to me looks like an Olympian. I digress.

I can understand the shock people have seeing this but there's one thing I know. She did not START weight lifting when she got pregnant. Clearly this woman has been doing this for a while. I'm sure her doctor is on board with it and she is being careful.

That being said you do HAVE to be careful when you're pregnant. The older I get the more horrifying stories I hear of people losing their babies. This would be way too extreme for me. Even if I did lift weights before I think I would stop.

Now that I think about it this woman pisses me off. She's pregnant and in better shape than me! UGH!!!!!

What do you think of this picture?



Halloween Decorating- Some Faves From Pinterest!

I have some pumpkins around for now but this weekend I am busting out the SIX bins of decorations and fun times to put out!

Coco cannot wait for this guy to come out:

She's got a love hate thing with it that is HILARIOUS.

Here's a few home decorating ideas for Halloween from Pinterest.


Love this door decor. It's like Christmas for Halloween!

This mantle is so cute:

Love the branches! This is very spooky spidery!

And I love this web on the porch, better than the ones I usually see!

Have you pulled out your Halloween decor yet?