
In the hospital with Coco

Now that is a title I was NOT expecting to write. Already have Landon who is a hospital veteran with two surgeries a year, never thought I would be doing this with Miss Coco!

Coco and I have been at the hospital since Monday night. She was having stomach pains so bad she was doubled over and wailing. I thought it was her appendics, so far no one knows what is going on! She's getting better and I am so grateful for friends and family who have stepped up to the plate!

One big blessing was the arrival of Minnie and Mickey. That perked her right up!!!

And then of course this guy came by and I had no clue who he was!! LOL

 One thing I am reflecting on while being here is having my total focus on Coco. I realize that with work, social life, school, family, it's almost impossible to focus solely on one thing. The blessing is that I get to to that. I get to have total focus on Coco thanks to my loving husband and super compassionate business partners. Coco and I sleep together in her hospital bed and have our good and bad moments, but overall we are doing very well. Boy do I love this little lady.

Prayers please that we get to go home soon!


funfavorites said...

Sending prayers that she gets better soon.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

How awful! I hope Miss Coco is feeling better soon!

Hillcrest Acres said...

Lots of prayers being sent your way!!! Hoping for a speedy recovery for Miss Coco.

Melissa said...

Praying that she gets better ASAP!

The Swanky Socialite said...

Prayers for your sweet girl!

prince snow farm said...

Hope coco is feeling better!

Cas said...

Thinking of you all at this time! Hope she's home soon XOXO

Lori said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear this, will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers for answers and a quick recovery!!!xx

eas said...

HOpe she gets better soon and they figure it out. Saying a prayer for you.

Courtney said...

Sending prayers your way, hope she is feeling better soon. Also hoping you find some answers.

cancersucks said...

Any news from the doctors? Checking on you girls. Praying for strength and healing.

Farrah said...

I'm so sorry! I hope the doctors figure out what is wrong with baby girl! Prayers for a speedy recovery. Blessings,
Farrah (@vintagewasp)

Kate said...

Keeping Coco in my prayers! I hope she is doing better now!

Is Michael Weatherly's wife Coco's doctor?! Or was his visit unrelated to her being a doctor? I love love love him. Such a charming guy!

Debra said...

Sending prayers for sweet Coco. Hope she is better soon.

Suburban prep said...

Hope that your daughter is on the mend and that things will be better for you and your family soon.

Beth Dunn said...

So sorry to hear that! Hope they figure it all out ASAP and she is home soon. Stay strong

Ps--prayers sent!!!