
Christmas Recap Week: Christmas Recipe Ideas!

Christmas Eve is so magical and fabulous but we managed to make it even more so!

We hosted Christmas eve dinner with this menu:


Assorted Olives
Macona Almonds drizzled with truffle oil
Cheese board


New Potatoes with fresh taragon

Pecan Pie (Made 2!)

Ice Cream ornaments (how cute are these!!)

 My sister in law served Christmas dinner which included French Onion Soup, Filet, Brussel Sprouts and Mashed Potatoes, I brought over Rachel Rays 5 minute Fudge wreath and it was amazing! So easy!

Try it! Recipe Here:

What did you serve?


Courtney said...

We have appetizers and meat trays on Christmas Eve with my extended family on my mom's side.
Christmas Day my grandma makes a turkey with dressing and mashed potatoes and green beans and sweet potatoes.

prince snow farm said...

What a wonderful Christmas Eve and Day! I am so glad your daughter is home and well. What a trying tim, especially right before the holidays. Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy New Year!

Debra said...

Looks yummy! We do Mexican on Christmas eve and prime rib and shrimp on Christmas day. I am a huge fan of RR's 5 minute fudge - it always turns out!

Lori said...

Your Christmas sounds lovely and the food, wow, yummy!!!!
Happy New year!!

ADM-RTW said...

Beautiful Wallpaper, thanks to share with us such as important information, must visit again. Thanks