
Christmas Recap Week: Christmas Recipe Ideas!

Christmas Eve is so magical and fabulous but we managed to make it even more so!

We hosted Christmas eve dinner with this menu:


Assorted Olives
Macona Almonds drizzled with truffle oil
Cheese board


New Potatoes with fresh taragon

Pecan Pie (Made 2!)

Ice Cream ornaments (how cute are these!!)

 My sister in law served Christmas dinner which included French Onion Soup, Filet, Brussel Sprouts and Mashed Potatoes, I brought over Rachel Rays 5 minute Fudge wreath and it was amazing! So easy!

Try it! Recipe Here:

What did you serve?


Christmas Recap Week: Christmas Decorating! Setting Your Christmas Table!

I was in full decorating mode this year, I could not be stopped! LOL

Got this new Santa in a sleigh from Marshalls and the bear toy soldiers at Joannes Fabrics!

I hosted Christmas Eve Dinner so I got out all my holly china!

Added red ribbon to all the chairs to make it festive.

The mantle held all the Christmas cards and stockings...

And Elf on the Shelf made one final appearance before heading back to the North Pole!

 Of course these are my best gifts of all!

Standing in front of Daddy's "Snowy Tree".

Hope your Christmas was magical! Merry Merry!


Christmas Recap Week: Decorating Your Tree With Ribbon

I'm a little behind in my posting. I was just so excited to have Coco home (my best Christmas present) and had a lot of work to catch up on!

One of the things I was most excited about was decorating my tree with ribbon. I am obsessed with my tree every year, changing colors and themes. I wanted to take it to the next Christmas decorating level with some ribbon. I have tried it in the past but this year I knew I needed a professional. I searched youtube for a video tutorial and found this:

It really helped!

Okay ready for the finished product? I ran out of ribbon for the bow at the top but I love it!

Have you ever used ribbon? I think I will every year! Next year a big bow!

Tomorrow we will tour the rest of the house!


Out Of The Hospital- And Hearing About Sandy Hook

We got out of the hospital last Friday. I honestly could not believe it until we drove out of the garage! Felt like I was escaping from prison!

We never found out what was wrong with Coco, but every day she is better and better. I am so grateful she was able to heal and come home. As we were getting out I was hearing about the shooting in Newtown. I was so happy to have my baby home, I could not believe others were going home without theirs.

People asked me why I hardly left the hospital. The truth is, even if my hubby was watching Coco, I couldn't bear to be in my house without her. Looking at her pink empty car seat brought me to tears. Now I think about what those Sandy Hook Elementary school parents are feeling and I cannot even believe it. The pain they are going through is unimaginable. Unbearable. I pray that they find some comfort in their tight knit community of family and friends.

I came across the names and ages of the victims and I was shocked. I had no idea they were so young. Something has to be done to prevent things like this from happening. Gun control yes, but what about these kids who are "off", who's parents are trying to figure out what to do with them!

Pray for the parents of these kids. I am.

Charlotte Bacon, 6 – Uncle John Hagen told Newsday: “She was going to go some places in this world. This little girl could light up the room for anyone.”
Daniel Barden, 7
Rachel Davino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6 – Dan Merton, a longtime friend of the family, said of Engel:
“She loved attention. She had perfect manners, perfect table manners. She was the teacher’s pet, the line leader.” “Her only crime,” Merton said, “is being a wiggly, smiley 6-year-old.”
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6 – Ana’s father, Jimmy Greene, wrote on Facebook: “As much as she’s needed here and missed by her mother, brother and me, Ana beat us all to paradise. I love you sweetie girl.”
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dawn Hochsprung, 47 – Officials say Hochsprung, the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, died while lunging at the gunman in an attempt to overtake him.
Madeline Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6 – Catherine’s parents said of the tragedy, “We are greatly saddened by the loss of our beautiful daughter, Catherine Violet and our thoughts and prayers are with the other families who have been affected by this tragedy. We ask that you continue to pray for us and the other families who have experienced loss in this tragedy.”
Chase Kowalski, 7 – Neighbor Kevin Grimes said of Charles, “You couldn’t think of a better child.”
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7
Anne Marie Murphy, 52 – Authorities told Murphy’s parents their daughter helped shield some of her students from the bullets and in doing so, lost her own life.
Emilie Parker, 6 – Parker’s father told reporters, “She was beautiful. She was blond. She was always smiling.”
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Lauren Rousseau, 30 – Russeau’s mother told reporters she loved being a teacher, saying working at Sandy Hook “was the best year of her life.”
Mary Sherlach, 56 – Scherlach’s son-in-law Eric Schwartz said, “Mary felt like she was doing God’s work, working with the children.”
Victoria Soto, 27
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6


In the hospital with Coco

Now that is a title I was NOT expecting to write. Already have Landon who is a hospital veteran with two surgeries a year, never thought I would be doing this with Miss Coco!

Coco and I have been at the hospital since Monday night. She was having stomach pains so bad she was doubled over and wailing. I thought it was her appendics, so far no one knows what is going on! She's getting better and I am so grateful for friends and family who have stepped up to the plate!

One big blessing was the arrival of Minnie and Mickey. That perked her right up!!!

And then of course this guy came by and I had no clue who he was!! LOL

 One thing I am reflecting on while being here is having my total focus on Coco. I realize that with work, social life, school, family, it's almost impossible to focus solely on one thing. The blessing is that I get to to that. I get to have total focus on Coco thanks to my loving husband and super compassionate business partners. Coco and I sleep together in her hospital bed and have our good and bad moments, but overall we are doing very well. Boy do I love this little lady.

Prayers please that we get to go home soon!


Christmas Tea Party! Setting the perfect tea table!

I look forward to this every year. Such a fabulous holiday event and I love that I have been hosting a table for going on 5 years! I come up with a different theme every year with my co-hostess. This year we did birds. I used my Royal Crown Derby, Olde Avesbury pattern.

Don't you love the birdcage centerpiece? Notice the birds nest place card holders and little presents we wrapped. A silver ornament with a gold dove on top.

And look at this gorgeous table of women!

My co host was so creative and fun to work with! Love her.

We were serenaded by our butlers!

Such fun to be with my Mommy friends, drinking tea, eating tea sandwiches and scones and laughing!! Can't wait for next year! In my next post I will show you some other tables from the tea!