
The Hungry Girl's Tricks For Avoiding Halloween Treats!

I am totally obsessed with the Hungry Girl. Lisa Lillien is so funny and real I just love to watch her. Have you seen her show?

I met Lisa and asked her to give me some tips for not blowing Halloween by eating every last bit of candy I have!! She knows How To Avoid Temptation With Those Halloween Treats. Lisa’s new cookbook HUNGRY GIRL TO THE MAX! The Ultimate Guilt-Free Cookbook (St. Martin's Griffin- October 16, 2012)  is a must-have for all of us who crave delicious food without the high-calorie price tag -- this is truly the Hungry Girl bible which just hit store shelves and is now the number one selling cookbook on Amazon and it's by far the LARGEST and BEST HG cookbook ever. There are 650 recipes (not a typo -- 650!!!). You'll find all the classics, along with HUNDREDS of brand-new recipes!  The book is available on Amazon and at their book site.

Here are some tips from Lisa!

Hungry Girl’s Tricks For Tempting Halloween Treats:

1. Don't buy your favorite candy to hand out to trick-or-treaters. Choose something you can more easily resist. If you have a weakness for chocolate, go with gummy candies. Can't stay away from chewy items? Choose something crunchy!

2. Out of sight, out of mind. Once the holiday passes, don't keep the candy sitting out. If you do, you're likely to grab a piece here and there whether or not you're truly craving sweets. If you're still tempted by the lure of an in-house candy stash, take them somewhere other people can enjoy 'em.

3. Keep count. If there were ever a day to keep a food journal, Halloween is that day! It's easy to keep going back for just one more fun-sized candy bar, but those calories add up fast. Don't lose sight of how much you're actually consuming.

4. Don't drastically cut calories earlier in the day, in attempt to counteract any excessive candy eating later on. That'll just set you up for a candy binge. Eat filling meals, and stay hydrated.


1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh wow, am not familiar with Lisa.... is she on Food Network?!!
Love the Halloween candy tips! We'll be on vacation this year and am so glad I don't have to buy all that candy!!:)