
Too Much Learnin'

Well we were off to a great start and then...

Landon said tearfully: "I don't want to go to school. There's too much learning and not enough play time!"

Oh boy.

And I have talked to the teachers and parents and I am assured that the kindergartners are not being tortured. When I pick him up he is all smiles and so proud. The goodbye's however, are becoming tougher. Tears. Real tears and hugs. Lots of hugs.

I feel bad for him, being as he is a sensitive guy. I'm trying to give him the confidence that he can do it.

Landon is such a good guy but he can really work himself up. With all he's been through I guess that's normal. He may take a while to get used to this new system, but I think he's in the right place!

Transitions are hard. It's all I can do to not cry when I see him cry!

Please say a little prayer for sweet Landon that his drop offs start being more joyful and peaceful!

Are your kids excited to be back in school?


Suburban prep said...

I know that my sister's three kids were very excited to go back to school. They are 7,6 and 3. The two older ones are in 2nd and 1st grade. The younger guy is in Montessori. These three little guys have a little sister (15 months old) and they said they wanted to take her to school with them (actually my sister has taken her to the grade school when she is lunch room mom because she needs special attention due to a health issue).

3 Peanuts said...

I will say a prayer for Landon and for you too. I am talking about back to school chaos and Mothering on the radio show tonight. Go see my log for the link. If you cannot hear it live, you can listen to the archive too!!


just ask beth said...

Praying that sweet landon's courage gets stronger by the day!! Kindergarten is a big adjustment..I taught K5 for 8 years and can assure you he is not the only one.. hurts our hearts more!

PaperCourtPress said...

Hang in there, Landon (and mama)! My boys are 1st and 3rd grade now and the LOVE to go to school every morning. Landon will be fine once he's used to the new routine.

Elisabeth said...

Hope it gets better! I know Stink isn't really thrilled with Kindergarten. We have full- day kindergarten here, and by the time he gets off the bus at 3:30 he is wiped out and crabby. It makes for a tough few hours before bedtime. I've heard it takes about a month until they really get adjusted well.

Hope it goes smoothly!

Meg said...

So tough! My 5.5 yo son started K this year. It is a 6 hour day with _very_ liitle play. So far he has liked going. Though I feel it may not last (will the novelty and lack of play wear on him)? Sounds like you are doing everything you can to give him the tools he needs to succeed. I bet my December Landon will like school and be eager to go.

Jen said...

As a kindergarten teacher, I can say (with our day - full day)that it is taxing for all of them. There is laughter and play, but also A LOT of work. Most of my students would appreciate more play. Similar to how even though I really like my job, I'd appreciate more weekend! Not going to happen!

Lori said...

Just like my guys....want all day play with maybe an occasional craft. lol
Will say a prayer for him tonight!!!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I am so sorry this happened to you! I can only imagine. I teach Kindergarten and that is one of the things I love about them...they are honest about their opinions and thoughts. It is our job (as teachers and parents) to teach them about what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. You did a wonderful job of talking to that child! I know the Big Mama Bear wanted to come out! :) I pray that Landon doesn't have to suffer any negative comments himself!