

I wanted to thank everyone for the sweet comments you left regarding the "disgusting" incident I blogged about last. It was so hard, so devastating and so deep it was hard to address.

Seeing Brene Brown speak the other night seemed like the perfect timing. She speaks, writes, and lectures all about the power of vulnerability. I am currently reading her book on the subject: Daring Greatly.

I had shared my story with my blog friends and gotten amazing support. I also shared it with family and friends (something I don't usually do), and the love they poured out was over whelming. Here is one of the responses:

"Something else to think about - it goes beyond you.  Whenever we correct a misperception, as you did with that little boy, the goodness you share extends out beyond your world and seeps into someone else's.  While you were protecting Landon, struggling with your own fears, etc. you were also planting seeds of good that God will make bloom outside of your sight.
You have sown the seeds of tolerance which will bloom and bless others you will never meet.
God is good and He is working through you."
I also wanted to give you an update.

I spoke to the little boys teachers and they had him apologize to Landon and tried to explain why saying what he said was so hurtful. I also spoke to his Mom. She had no idea of what had happened and marched right into her sons class to see how she could help. That day I got an amazing email from her telling me how she addressed this in her own home, her sons reaction (bawling) and of course an apology. I wrote back what am amazing Mom she is for being so open to mending this.

I could have screamed at that child, instead I chose vulnerability and focused on Landon's miracle.
I could have lectured that school. Instead I chose vulnerability and asked for the teachers help.
I could have hated that Mother. Instead I chose vulnerability and shared my feelings about how we could make this a teachable moment.
So it seems that out of something ugly, springs something beautiful. I feel so blessed!


Hillcrest Acres said...

So glad to hear things worked out. You never know how one will respond when discussing their child's behavior.

You did good!!!!

Solar Powered said...

I saw her on Katie, looking forward to reading the book. Thanks for the update. Your reaction has taught us all...another seed planted.

Melissa said...

I'm so glad things worked out! You were so smart to go talk to the teachers and that boy's mother. I would have done the same thing. I'm glad the other mom was so receptive and willing to make sure her son was a bit more compassionate in the future. Great job sticking up for Landon in a way that didn't attack anyone else, but got your point across :)

Suburban Princess said...

Glad to hear it all worked out for the best...not every mom is willing to parent their children.

prince snow farm said...

Sorry I missed your story on are the best mom, and Landon is a brave boy. The other child is lucky you are who you are. It could have gotten ugly.