
Note To Self

I think this is so perfect. Especially for all you busy Mom's running around out there!

Note to Self
  • I am enough just as I am.
  • I have NOTHING to prove to anyone.
  • I don’t need to work any harder than I already do.
  • It’s okay to slow down the pace of my life.
  • It’s not a race to the finish.  There’s no trophy for first place.
  • It is the simplest things that give the biggest pleasures in life—reading, working in the garden, cooking, spending time with family and friends… just being together.
  • There is no guilt in not accomplishing everything on my to-do list.
  • I don’t need to apologize for my behavior or make excuses.
  • It’s safe to be ME.  To allow my TRUE self to shine.
  • I don’t need anybody’s approval.
  • I need only to listen to my inner guidance.
  • My inner guidance is my compass, my true north.
  • The rest is all ego….and can be let go.
  • My walls of defense can come crumbling down.
  • They are no longer needed.
  • I can stand on my own two feet, secure in my knowledge that my higher self will provide all the support I ever need.
  • I am free to be who I am.


"Cookie" said...

TRUTH!!!! We all need to tape this to our vanity mirrors and read each morning as we prepare for the day.

Anonymous said...

I definitey like the point about the simplest things in life being the most important. So true. I am just not zen enough to live by those other principles. I do have tons of guilt not accomplishing things and/or letting people down.

Melissa said...


Savvy in San Francisco said...

Thanks for the reminders! Nice to read after a tough morning with the bambinos!

Lori said...

Just what I needed, thanks!:)

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Love it! So true!

3 Peanuts said...

LOVE this. Kinda want to "pin it" I should read it every morning to keep my intentions true .