
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my dear readers out there....thank you for listening, reading, commenting and being great bloggy friends. I hope this 2012 brings you everything your hearts desire.

For me that means:

More chances to wear Lilly

Some time with The Mr. on a fabulous beach

Happy times with the kids

and maybe some Michael McDonald...cause I love him!

What would you like to have in this New Year? (we will get to resolutions later). What's on your hearts desire list?


Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

I'll second all of your wishes and throw in a get~a~way or 2 or 3 with my beloved Hubby to Vegas!

Love and Hugs,
Mrs. Kindergarten

Happy New Year!

Suburban Princess said...

Happy New Year!!!
Oh I would love a beach right about now...tho I dont know if I would take everyone else with me lol!

All the best for 2012!

lizziefitz said...

Happy New Year! Love your blog and following you on Pinterest:) Thanks for all the great inspiration.

prince snow farm said...

Happy new year to you also! Apparently you feel about Michael McDonald how i feel about tom Selleck!

Mary Beth said...

Happy New Year!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Happy New Year! You and my BFF will have to fight over Michael McDonald though. That made me laugh!

LPC said...

I'm in one of those short sweet times where there's nothing I could wish for except more of the same:). So, I will wish you all your heart's desires and more. Happy New Year.

Beth Dunn said...

All new lingerie, time to myself to go shopping!

Bridget said...

More Michael in 2012!!! Happy New Year - I'm starting up a fresh blog for the new year since we closed the biz. Come visit me :) xo Bridget

nanny said...

Happy New Year!

I love following you on twitter and keeping up with all you do! (it's so quick)

Anonymous said...

These are such great wishes! Hope they all come true for you in 2012! Happy New Year!!
xo E + J

Barefoot in the Park said...

oh i thought i was the only michael mcdonald fan out there!!

Anonymous said...

I love Michael McDonald too!!! He is coming to Vegas mid-February so I'm going to try and surprise the hubby with tickets for Valentine's Day... :)