
Coco's Turning Two! Disneyland!!

We were supposed to go tomorrow, but had to change to today! Off to Disneyland today for the first time with both kids, the Mr, Mimi and Pop, and a few friends!

When I played Landon the promotional video showing all the things to do there his facial expression clearly read: "Why have you been hiding this from me?"

This will be a magical day for both Miss Coco and Landon!


lizziefitz said...

Have a Blast!

Jen said...

Yea! Sounds like sooo much fun! I hope the weather is OK.

Beach Bum & Baby said...

OMG how is she turning 2?!?!? I feel like it was just yesterday you were posting about her 1st birthday!

And Landon is too funny!! Gosh mom, why were you holding out on him!?!? ;)

Debra said...

Ah, you can't hide Disneyland forever!! :) Have a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to Coco!

Melissa said...

Have so much fun!

I'm a Disney nut! I've only been to Disneyworld, but I cannot wait for the day when I can take my son there!

"Cookie" said...

Hope you guys have fun!!! Can't wait to hear about it.

Lin said...

Haha, how fun! Hope all of you have a blast.

Savvy in San Francisco said...

Have so much fun! Happy Birthday Coco!

Hopsy said...

I cannot believe Coco is already two! It seems like you JUST had her frist birthday!