
Coco's Birthday Week! Bathtime!

Both Coco and I are in love with bath time. I feel like bath time is such a great time to bond with your kids. The house is quiet, the TV is off, it's just you and the kids in the bathroom. We often sing!

Coco's favorite bath time toys?

Tub Time Pirate Adventures!
Coco and Landon love to push the pirates down the slide and let them ride in the boat!

Yookido- Flow and spill spout!
This thing is amazing. The kids love how the water runs through the motor so they can play!

 Rub a dub Draw in the Tub!
Bath crayons so the kids feel like the are being naughty artists!
 Coco thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!! She is having the best time turning 2!!


lizziefitz said...

We had an amazing rubber ducky collection until I realized they are a total mold incubator ,LOL!

Anonymous said...

Bathtime is the best. Those toys look dang fun. Glad she's having a great birthday week. :)

Sandra said...

I agree with you about bath time! My husband did baths every night with both of our children and I'm sure they bonded!! So glad she is enjoying her day! xoxo

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

How in the world did two years fly by so quickly? Happy birthday to Miss Coco.