I went to an all girls Catholic camp during the summers.I loved the sisterhood I experienced! Each night we would have campfire and sing songs. This is the song that always made me think. The one that made tears well up in my eyes, although at twelve, I wasn't sure why!
I am wishing each and every one of you, my dear readers, a wonderful 2011. I hope that as this year closes you take a moment to realize how important you are in someones life. How special you are. You are to me!! Thanks for reading, commenting, and all your encouragement! I hope I have made you think, laugh and learn!
I can't wait to see all the blessings in store for us in 2011!
The Mrs.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
We are family.
Let us walk with each other
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
We are family.
Let us walk with each other
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
In peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Christmas Recap!
It was a snow filled good time in Iowa. And I have the pictures to prove it. Landon wasn't so sure about the snow at first. Then his cousins took him sledding (first time!) and he was sold.
Notice orange hat, pink gloves and borrowed snow suit. We were not so prepared!!
Landon was thrilled that Santa brought him a Leapfrog like he begged for.
And Coco got her first girl dolly! Complete with bathing suit and sunglasses of course. Ready for L.A!
I got lots of Lilly and jewelry and a framed pic of my very preppy Christmas card!
Some gift wrapping highlights...Mom and sister in law ReRe knocked it out of the park!
But best of all was seeing Coco in the Christmas dress my Great Grandmother (Mamaa), had made for me. Doesn't she look sweet!?
A fabulous time!!
Notice orange hat, pink gloves and borrowed snow suit. We were not so prepared!!
Landon was thrilled that Santa brought him a Leapfrog like he begged for.
And Coco got her first girl dolly! Complete with bathing suit and sunglasses of course. Ready for L.A!
I got lots of Lilly and jewelry and a framed pic of my very preppy Christmas card!
Some gift wrapping highlights...Mom and sister in law ReRe knocked it out of the park!
But best of all was seeing Coco in the Christmas dress my Great Grandmother (Mamaa), had made for me. Doesn't she look sweet!?
A fabulous time!!
Merry Christmas!
These lyrics still get me every time. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
O Holy Night
J.S.Dwight & A.C.Adam, 19th CenturyO holy night, the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of our dear Savior's birth! Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! O night divine, O night when Christ was born! O night divine, O night, O night divine! Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming, With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, Here came the wise men from Orient land. The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our Friend! He knows our need, To our weakness no stranger; Behold your King! Before the lowly bend! Behold your King! your King! before Him bend. Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother And in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, Let all within us praise His holy name! Christ is the Lord, Oh praise His name forever, His pow'r and glory evermore proclaim His pow'r and glory evermore proclaim.
Merry Christmas!!
White Christmas! Best Christmas Movie Ever!!!
White Christmas is my favorite movie ever. Here are just a few of my favorite scenes to convince you!
The Best Things....happen while you're dancing....
Sisters...sisters....never were there two more perfect sisters...
and of course white Christmas...
The Best Things....happen while you're dancing....
Sisters...sisters....never were there two more perfect sisters...
and of course white Christmas...
Gingerbread House Party!
When bestie Katie sent out a Gingerbread house making party invitation, I knew it would be fabulous, but she even out did herself! Look at her! Can you say book cover!?
Landon could not wait to dive in and put on the apron that she made for him and the other kids! We used graham crackers, frosting, and candy and made our own little houses.
Okay fine. I helped. A little.
The kids loved it (poor baby Coco was sick!), the menu divine, and the pomegranate champagne drinks were fabulous. We didn't want to leave!!
It was so festive and wonderful....
Even the dog was in the spirit of Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!!
Landon could not wait to dive in and put on the apron that she made for him and the other kids! We used graham crackers, frosting, and candy and made our own little houses.
Okay fine. I helped. A little.
The kids loved it (poor baby Coco was sick!), the menu divine, and the pomegranate champagne drinks were fabulous. We didn't want to leave!!
It was so festive and wonderful....
Even the dog was in the spirit of Christmas! Ho Ho Ho!!
Who Are You Going To Be While You're Waiting
Last Sunday at church, preacher was out of town but Quinton stepped in.
Quinton is not a pastor, but a writer who is a well studied and well versed christian. He discussed how he has been out of a job for more than eight months. That this waiting for work has been hard.
Finally he heard about a writing job, called, and got a meeting. He went in and saw the guy had bibles, Dallas Willard books and other theology books all lined up on his shelves. He handed the meeting over to God, whatever he wanted would be best. The meeting went very well, the best it could have gone. He got the church prayer chain going, everyone praying he would get that job. He did everything right.
Guess what? He didn't get the job.
He wasn't happy to get back to the waiting, in fact things were getting tense as the money was running out. If you think about it, we are usually in a state of waiting. Waiting for a check to come, a decision to be made, a job to happen, waiting in the carpool line, to see if your kids get into school, for the baby to come.... We are waiting all the time. In fact, we spend more time waiting for things to happen then on the actual event. Think about Christmas. We wait all year for that and it's only one day!
If we know we are going to be in a constant state of waiting...time to make a decision (and it is a choice). Who are you going to be while you're waiting?
Quentin then said that the best state of being in this time is to be in "Hopeful Expectation". Knowing that God is working for good on your behalf. Not worrying, but wondering what will happen. This is a tall order for me. I like to be in hopeful expectation, but hate to be disappointed when it doesn't work out. Quentin said that we are all God's promise, but that the job he was interviewing for wasn't his. God had promised that job to someone else, and when his job did come, someone else wouldn't get it either because it was promised to him.
So back to the question then: Who are you going to be while you are waiting on what has been promised to you? Worrying? Or Wondering? In Hopeless expectation? Or Hopeful expectation?
Quinton is not a pastor, but a writer who is a well studied and well versed christian. He discussed how he has been out of a job for more than eight months. That this waiting for work has been hard.
Finally he heard about a writing job, called, and got a meeting. He went in and saw the guy had bibles, Dallas Willard books and other theology books all lined up on his shelves. He handed the meeting over to God, whatever he wanted would be best. The meeting went very well, the best it could have gone. He got the church prayer chain going, everyone praying he would get that job. He did everything right.
Guess what? He didn't get the job.
He wasn't happy to get back to the waiting, in fact things were getting tense as the money was running out. If you think about it, we are usually in a state of waiting. Waiting for a check to come, a decision to be made, a job to happen, waiting in the carpool line, to see if your kids get into school, for the baby to come.... We are waiting all the time. In fact, we spend more time waiting for things to happen then on the actual event. Think about Christmas. We wait all year for that and it's only one day!
If we know we are going to be in a constant state of waiting...time to make a decision (and it is a choice). Who are you going to be while you're waiting?
Quentin then said that the best state of being in this time is to be in "Hopeful Expectation". Knowing that God is working for good on your behalf. Not worrying, but wondering what will happen. This is a tall order for me. I like to be in hopeful expectation, but hate to be disappointed when it doesn't work out. Quentin said that we are all God's promise, but that the job he was interviewing for wasn't his. God had promised that job to someone else, and when his job did come, someone else wouldn't get it either because it was promised to him.
So back to the question then: Who are you going to be while you are waiting on what has been promised to you? Worrying? Or Wondering? In Hopeless expectation? Or Hopeful expectation?
And The Winner Of The Hip Hostes Apron Is....

And the winner, of the Hip Hostess Apron giveaway is:
The Cooking Underwriter!
Remembering My Grandmother During The Holidays
It's funny how it happens. You are running around, buying gifts, going to parties and the holiday is a blur. It's hard to remember to slow down and enjoy it.
My Grandmommie was Christmas crazy. Her tree always looked amazing. He house seemed like a swiss chalet at holiday time. When her packages would arrive to my parents house we could not believe our eyes. She would painstakingly wrap every gift in a different paper, with a fabulous bow and trinket tied to the top. She loved Christmas. In the hustle and bustle I hadn't remembered that, until I heard the blinker on my car.
I had turned off the radio, to have a quite moment in the car by myself. I needed a little sanity break in my car. I put on my blinker to signal a left turn and heard the melodic tune. It brought me right back to being in the car with my Grandmother.
I loved spending time with Grandmommie alone. We would often go off and do things together, like two girlfriends. I always loved the sound of the blinker in her car. It was like a little song. I loved to watch her hands on the steering wheel so delicate and lady like. I would go anywhere with her, just being with her was a treat. I was only too proud to take a trip to a gallery selling her art. Or to see her working on a painting at home in her studio. She was a mystery. loved growing up that close to an artist. It made me love the creative process and respect people with artistic ability. I looked up to her as a big sister, I adored her like a mother, and I respected her as my Grandmother. She was everything to me.
Back in my car, hearing my own blinker I had tears in my eyes as I remembered my Grandmommie. It reminds me to stop and enjoy all the people in my life that inspire me and that I love. Is there someone you are missing this holiday? Tell me about them.
My Grandmommie was Christmas crazy. Her tree always looked amazing. He house seemed like a swiss chalet at holiday time. When her packages would arrive to my parents house we could not believe our eyes. She would painstakingly wrap every gift in a different paper, with a fabulous bow and trinket tied to the top. She loved Christmas. In the hustle and bustle I hadn't remembered that, until I heard the blinker on my car.
I had turned off the radio, to have a quite moment in the car by myself. I needed a little sanity break in my car. I put on my blinker to signal a left turn and heard the melodic tune. It brought me right back to being in the car with my Grandmother.
I loved spending time with Grandmommie alone. We would often go off and do things together, like two girlfriends. I always loved the sound of the blinker in her car. It was like a little song. I loved to watch her hands on the steering wheel so delicate and lady like. I would go anywhere with her, just being with her was a treat. I was only too proud to take a trip to a gallery selling her art. Or to see her working on a painting at home in her studio. She was a mystery. loved growing up that close to an artist. It made me love the creative process and respect people with artistic ability. I looked up to her as a big sister, I adored her like a mother, and I respected her as my Grandmother. She was everything to me.
Back in my car, hearing my own blinker I had tears in my eyes as I remembered my Grandmommie. It reminds me to stop and enjoy all the people in my life that inspire me and that I love. Is there someone you are missing this holiday? Tell me about them.
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills- My White Elephant Lunch at Villa Blanca!

So off we went and Villa Blanca did NOT disappoint! The manager, Michael and I became fast friends and he offered us Lisa's personal table! It was fabulous!!
We dined on Spicy tuna on crispy rice (to die for), Lobster salad, Tomato and Burrata cheese, Pasta with rock shrimp and Pizza!
Here's the burrata and tomato. AMAZING!
And here's how the White Elephant went. Fur scarf was opened. Then cuff bracelet. Cuff bracelet was stolen. Earrings were opened. Then Scarf was stolen, and necklace went to the original opener. Love it!!
Lisa Vanderpump was a gracious host and came to greet us at our table. She is absolutely gorgeous in person and looks fabulous! She was in the highest heels I have ever seen! Then her husband brought over Giggy and we all ooohed and aahhhed. He is too cute!
What are you doing with your girlfriends to celebrate the holidays? Why not plan your own White Elephant lunch!?
Friday Give Away!! The Hip Hostess Aprons!
Ohhhhh....this is a fabulous give away. The Hip Hostess has agreed to give away one of her fabulous aprons!
Look at these gorgeous ones:
The pink one is called Hot Pink Icing and the black one is called Dinner in Paris! Don't you LOVE it!!!
Here's how you are going to WIN!
1) Go to The Hip Hostess and tell me in your comment which is your favorite apron. This is important because unless they have run out you may get exactly what you want! (1 entry)
2) Like The Hip Hostess on Facebook! (another entry!)
3) Follow The Hip Hostess on Twitter! (another entry!)
4) Like One Fabulous Mom on Facebook! (another entry!)
5) Follow One Fabulous Mom on Twitter! (another entry!)
Look at these gorgeous ones:
The pink one is called Hot Pink Icing and the black one is called Dinner in Paris! Don't you LOVE it!!!
1) Go to The Hip Hostess and tell me in your comment which is your favorite apron. This is important because unless they have run out you may get exactly what you want! (1 entry)
2) Like The Hip Hostess on Facebook! (another entry!)
3) Follow The Hip Hostess on Twitter! (another entry!)
4) Like One Fabulous Mom on Facebook! (another entry!)
5) Follow One Fabulous Mom on Twitter! (another entry!)
Good luck!
I'll announce the winner next Thursday, December 16th!
The Mrs Go To Christmas Gift Guide For Gifts Under $30!
It's hard to find fabulous gifts under $50, I even like to find the fabulous ones under $30!! Here's the best of the best of what I am loving and buying!!!
The Monogrammed Burlap Bag- by Orient Expressed- $16 ( Add $8 for monogram)
When's the last time you saw a cute $16 bag. That's right never!
Also from Orient Expressed- Holiday Hand Towels- $5!!! A great hostess gift!!
From Boatman Geller- I looooove these Holiday Melamine plates! Perfect for when the kids break your good china, give them these instead! $26 from So Luxe.
Also from Boatman Geller for So Luxe: Wine Tags!
Great to give to the wine enthusiasts in your family! Give them their own wine tags to hand out or if you are giving wine, perfect for you! $24 for 8!
What are your favorite gifts under $30?
The Monogrammed Burlap Bag- by Orient Expressed- $16 ( Add $8 for monogram)
When's the last time you saw a cute $16 bag. That's right never!
Also from Orient Expressed- Holiday Hand Towels- $5!!! A great hostess gift!!
From Boatman Geller- I looooove these Holiday Melamine plates! Perfect for when the kids break your good china, give them these instead! $26 from So Luxe.
Also from Boatman Geller for So Luxe: Wine Tags!
Great to give to the wine enthusiasts in your family! Give them their own wine tags to hand out or if you are giving wine, perfect for you! $24 for 8!
What are your favorite gifts under $30?
A Cup Of Christmas Tea

My mother had given me these fabulous shoe place card holders in Christmas colors. I have had them for YEARS and never used them! I mentioned them to Katie, but she was already reading my mind about doing a shoe theme. Low and behold other bestie Katie (yes there are two!) had a fabulous un-used red clutch bag. Then our theme started to change. After all, most girls don't just want shoes for Christmas, they want shoes, handbags, and...jewelry!
That's when other bestie JoAnne stepped in by donated fabulous sparkley bangles as the favor.
With our holly plates, bangles tied in a bow inside the tea cups and reindeer centerpiece with his floral collar, I think we out did ourselves!
Thanks to all the besties who made it possible and are my favorite girls to be with!
PS the whole tea is designed around the book "A Cup Of Christmas Tea", a fabulous tale of Christmas so perfect for the times! If you haven't read it pick one up!
Holiday Plotting And Planning!
Every year I have a theme for my tree. Last year I had a pink and green tree in honor of Miss Coco's first Christmas! I also had a flocked tree (my first time!) in the den that I just loved.
This year I have decided on a purple, gold and green theme. Yes, I have a purple Christmas Tree skirt! I also have gold birds nests, purple eggplant an other vegetable ornaments in sequined purple and green. I am very excited about my theme! Of course there will be a few family ornaments on there as well. We are getting the tree this weekend so I will take a picture when it's all done.
The Mr has already hung my green sequined wreath over the mantle. Looks amazing!! Thanks Mr!
What are you doing this year? Do you have a theme? Do you love Holiday Decorating as much as I do?
This year I have decided on a purple, gold and green theme. Yes, I have a purple Christmas Tree skirt! I also have gold birds nests, purple eggplant an other vegetable ornaments in sequined purple and green. I am very excited about my theme! Of course there will be a few family ornaments on there as well. We are getting the tree this weekend so I will take a picture when it's all done.
The Mr has already hung my green sequined wreath over the mantle. Looks amazing!! Thanks Mr!
What are you doing this year? Do you have a theme? Do you love Holiday Decorating as much as I do?
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