
Rant Day! #$%^&*(*&^%$!!!!!

I am declaring today rant day. Someone annoying you? Something pissing you off? Let it out. Rant away. You'll feel better. My rant?


Please let me know if this is just a California thing. I am literally going OUT OF MY MIND. Every time I go to Trader Joes, I dread it. The parking lot is so small and busy it really takes all my patience.

This is how it goes EVERY TIME:

I pull into the lot and there is a traffic jam. No one will let anyone pull out of a space to leave, and other people are waiting on someone unload groceries for an hour, to get their spot.

I will wait for someone to pull out of their space and instead of waiting for me to pull in, people go around to the left and right of me. MEANING: THEY STOP THE PERSON PULLING OUT SO THEY CAN LEAVE!

It's a close call every time with the person pulling out of the space about to hit the person sneaking through. This ends in a big HONK from the sneaky person. NERVE!

Then as I try to pull in to the space they again try pass through first.
Impatient? UM YES. No one will wait while someone pulls into a space anymore. When the hell did this happen? It used to be you would wait while someone pulled in, and then move on.

Everyone who is trying to park is so out for themselves they create a nightmare for everyone. I swear it is going to make me INSANE.

Okay your turn. What pissing you off? You can tell the Mrs. Come on with it!


Bridget said...

It must be Trader Joe's b/c you just described the Jersey lot as well!

KatiePerk said...

I will join in on this. Sorry for your frustration. One of the higher ups in my company was out of the office on Friday. He called and asked me to do something for him. I did it. Then this morning he asks me why I did this. He didn't recall asking me to do it. SERIOUSLY? Ugh. Happy monday I guess.

Suburban Princess said...

OMG how bout those jerks who pull into a parking spot...then drive through to the spot in front of the spot they are already in! And they are always so rude if someone was about to turn into the spot they drove through to...I've been told 'sucks to be you' when that happens and I lose a spot to someone who didnt care that I was half way into it!

Suburban prep said...

Let's just say certain family relations sometimes really get to me.

CashmereLibrarian said...

Is this the one on Pico? That lot is maddening...and scary!

Melissa said...

That parking lot stuff happens in CT too! It's terrible and I try to avoid crowded lots for that reason!

I have 2 rants: It drives me INSANE when people don't use their turn signal! It's so freakin easy to flip the switch and very considerate for other drivers. Hate hate hate! People in the city I live in do it all the damn time!

Other rant: We've been in school for over a month now. Is it too much to ask that my students write down and take out their HW when they come in? That's all I want and it seems to be the hardest thing in the world for them and I don't get why!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you. It's Trader Joes. Every Trader Joes in the history of the world has too small of a parking lot. I hate it. I usually end up parking on the street. It's just easier...

Stereos and Souffles said...

At our office, we have assigned parking that we pay extra for and even though there's a Tow Away sign 24 hrs a day clearly marked at the head of the spot, random people park there. So I have to have the car towed and find a spot to park my car in the meantime. Pisses me off!

PaperCourt said...

Trader Joes notoriously has small lots.

I can't stand moms who are ridiculously competitive. It drives me crazy!

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Seriously one of the biggest reasons I avoid driving whenever possible! This kills me! But so sad I don't have a Trader Joe's close anymore, I would put up with a little traffic to be able to stock up there!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

My preschool parking lot drives me crazy. Everyone is so freakin slow to leave. I only have this precious 3 hours to myself and it takes me 15 mins to get out of the parking lot because people stop a car on the way out to chat, etc. Drives me crazy!!

Solar Powered said...

AT&T, Directv and any other company that "bills" me. If, heaven forbid, I have to call about my service I get so angry that I can feel my blood pressure going up. Don't even get me started, I'm getting pissed just thinking about it.

Debra said...

I wish I had only one thing that irritated me - but I won't bore everyone with it -unless it's on my own blog :)

I agree with you totally. People are just down right rude these days - not sure when it happened - but I wouldn't be surprised if it coincided with the 'treating all the kids equal so no one gets hurt feelings and we don't keep score at soccer and t-ball games' movement. Yeah, that bothers me,too.

I generally dislike parking lots though - the smaller they are the worse I dislike them. And my car is the size of a small cruise ship so that doesn't help matters!

Maureen said...

You just described the parking lot at our preschool. At preschool! Can you imagine? Nuts.

Today, no rant. Just stress about the economy and the possible return to full-time work. ICK. ICK. ICK.

Leslie said...

I just "ranted" on my blog in code!! It is just a bunch of letters but I know what I am ranting about, and that is all that matters, right? Couldn't talk about what I wanted to in case the subject of my rant was reading my blog! :)

Danielle Moss said...

Trader Joes is a nightmare. It doesn't matter which one you go to or what time you go.

I will say that when I lived in SB it was pretty bad there too, but definitely better than LA.

I can't stand LA drivers. Period.

ilovepink said...

Hey! I'm catching up and I missed out on my rant!!! So, it's Sat night and my CU Tigers are losing at half time. Other than that....why do my inlaws think I am completely oblivious to my kids' well being??? I know when it is 40 degrees outside that they may need a coat on! UGH!!!!!