
Pack My Bag! What to Pack for the hospital when you give birth!

I am realizing after reading Europafoxes comment last week I have no clue what to pack in my hospital bag. Landon was an emergency C so I never had the chance! I need some bloggy help.

Here's my list do far:

For Coco:

Pink Stork Sak Baby bag
2 receiving blankets (pink!)
Going home outfit

For Me:
Fabulous Hospital Gown
Lilly Padz and nursing pads
3 or 4 sets of pjs or nightgowns
Toiletries (including my fave Amazing Grace products by Philosphy)
Pink chenile robe
nursing bras
fuzzy chenile socks
pink slippers
Going home outfit for me

And of course:

video camera
cell phone
baby book do do her footprints

What else do I need?


Suburban prep said...

Infant car seat.
My sister just had a planned c-section and well she forgot the car seat.

Tippy said...

Bring a big box of See's or something similar to give to the post-partum nurses. They love receiving gifts and sharing at the nurse's station and they take such good care of the patients, I find it's a nice touch.

Oh, and I woud pack magazines, sudoku book, and some stationery in case I felt like doing any thank-you notes. But maybe that's just me?

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Everything sounds perfect!

A present for Landon if he is coming to visit you in the hospital.

Anonymous said...

Amazing grace products are gorgeous - will be sure to make you feel a million times better! Something I packed (but probably doesn't apply to US hospitals - en suite bathrooms?) - was flip flops to wear in the showers - because over here even if you have a private room the bathrooms are shared! We always get asked to bring hats for the newborn baby as well to stop the heat loss asfter birth - enarly forgot about that one! So exciting! Are you planning to stay a few days in hospital? Personally I think its nice to have all the help and rest but friends of mine have checked out after 6 hours - eek!

The Fabulous Side of Me said...

Lansinoh Brand Lanolin Topical Breast Cream!! And some chapstick!

Unknown said...

So it sounds like you are going the VBAC approach? If you are going to go through labor, I highly recommend the epidural. Why feel the pain when you don't have to? And while you are getting to 10cm, having something to do like read a magazine or a little video game (my fave is pocket yahtzee).

But it looks like you have thought of everything to bring. IT will be great!

ilovepink said...

Outfits for Coco! I loved dressing the girls up for all of the visitors. The nurses even joked about all of their outfits. They gave a fashion show every time they visited the nursery!

Hillary Jordan said...

I've never had a baby so I don't know but I immediately thought of all the batteries and chargers for the cameras. It seems to never fail for them to go out at the worst times!

Oh, and I LOVE Amazing Grace products. The fragrance makes you feel clean even if there's no time for a shower!

Midwest Prep said...

Cell phone charger and the adaptors that you need transfer pictures from the camera to your laptop- a friend of mine forgot that and wanted to kick himself.

Surf Girl said...

You are so well organized! The one thing my friends told me to take that I forgot was some sort of calling card - our hospital was super-strict about cell phone use.

Bridget said...

I always liked to pack my own pillow (with a bright colored pillow case so it doesn't get lost) but I am weird like that. I travel internationally with my own pillow or I can't sleep :)

Debbie said...

I was never very prepared. Of course, I wanted to get out quick!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

You might check with your hospital...we had to bring our own diapers! I ended up using our own baby wipes too because they ones they had there were so rough I couldn't stand to put on my little boy's sweet little bottom.

So you have extra batteries (or a fully charged one) for your camera?

icing on the cake said...

Thanks so much for posting this - I'm carefully watching what everyone suggests.

Claire said...

Wow - where were you all when I was having my babies - oh that's right - y'all weren't born yet!!! I love all these ideas - it wouldn't have helped me because I had Kik at Mt. Sinai on 5th Ave. in NYC and when my husband got out of the car to help me into the hospital he came back and the car had been broken into and my suitcase was stolen - I hoped they enjoyed my nursing bras!!! My kind husband didn't tell me until the next morning - and my Mom and mother-in-law went shopping for me and the fact that I gave birth to my mother-in-law's first grandchild on her birthday didn't hurt!!!

Next person that I hear of that is having a baby I am going to have a shower for them on "Things To Take To The Hospital."

lizziefitz said...

I can't even do sudoku when I am not" pregnant brain girl"? I say magazines:)

Andy said...

Not sure if you have out of town family or friends. But I packed a long distance calling card just in case my cell phone wouldn't (or couldn't) work. Good luck!

Oh, I also insiste upon giving birth in cute socks.

Kate said...

I agree with bringing your own pillow - made me feel so much better. I say bring music you like & find relaxing -- if you don't use it during the birth you can always use it after.

LOVE Amazing Grace products...Pure Grace too:)

Genuine Lustre said...

After 4 babies at home I'm having the #5 at the hospital and am staring at my overnight bag wondering what to pack. My milk doesn't generally come in till about day 3, so I'm not taking nursing bras or pads - hoping to be home well before then. Books to read! My yoga mat so I can get on the floor - I'm also taking snacks and drinks.

Anonymous said...


cancersucks said...

Your own pillow with cute case for pictures, cute slippers- walk, walk after the c-section. Chap stick, snacks and drinks for Daddy-O, warmer blanket, pics of Landon to put in Coco's bassinet, magazines FOR SURE, list of numbers for Hubby to call, cash for phones in the hospital (shocking, but true). When I had cancer I would take a cute pillow with pics of my kiddos inside. Always made me feel better. And my Lilly bathrobe, of course. Can't wait to hear the good news!!!!