Another class act is gone. In a world of short-term marriages and Hollywood jackassery, Paul Newman represented a more subtle and true way of living. Married for over fifty years to Joanne Woodward, Paul spent countless time and energy supporting his charity, the Hole In The Wall Gang Camp for terminally ill children. The biggest contributions to the camp and other charities came from his Newmans Own line of foods.
If you have not seen Cat On A Hot Tin Roof rent it immediately. See what real acting is all about! Plus you can see Elizabeth Taylor looking fabulous. I am sad he's gone. He will be missed.
I've never seen that pic before. I love it. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is one of my top 5. You're so right. The acting, the beauty...amazing.
My heart is broken.
Hope you're feeling OK and getting plenty of rest! Thinking of you.
I was really sad to hear about this - he was a true star.
I agree! He was a class act.
I saw that movie in high school and loved it. He was such a hottie!
Great photo :)
I was so sad to hear this yesterday. He was definitely "real" and did a lot for others not expecting praise, reward, etc. as so many Hollywood stars seem to do. I'll miss those piercing blue eyes, but luckily my dad has the same eyes!
So, so sad...and very sad that my kids only know him for his salad dressing. we need to rent the good old movies!
I was so sad to hear this. He was a true humanitarian, and seemed so down to earth. I love his food products, and the fact that 100% of the proceeds went to charity.
p.s.~ What a Hottie!
Oh, I so agree. Even though I'd heard he was ill, it was still shocking to know he'd passed away. And I recently learned he and Joanne had a home about a mile from me. I've driven past it countless times (on my way to get my nails done!). Joanne is from Marietta, GA.
I love Paul Newman! I can't believe he's gone:(
It is such sad news. I will miss Paul's dreamy blue eyes! What a handsome man with a tremendous heart and spirit...he will be missed dearly.
What a fantastic looking man he was, and by all accounts, he was beautiful on the inside as well. Even when he was at that age when many male actors have gone to seed, he still had it. Ever seen "Message In A Bottle?"
He will be missed!
Joanne Woodward's brother and wife are members of our church, so it was kind of weird to hear during the announcements "and sympathies to the Woodwards at the loss of their brother in law, Paul Newman."
She was great friends (and a high school classmate) with the director of the ballet where J1 danced and they were such constant supporters financially through Newman's Own. Whenever they were in town, he had great fun when people would tell him he looked just like Paul Newman. "I hear that all the time," he'd say!
A great loss indeed.
What a gorgeous picture of the two of them.
I loved the statement his daughters released at his passing, that his greatest role in life was as a husband and a father(not an exact quote). He was a true gentleman, a loyal husband and loving father...can a man hope for a better legacy than this???
I was sad to hear this news too. We lost a talented handsome philanthropist - the total package!
You know what I liked most about him? That he was married to the same woman for over 50 years. He could have traded up for something younger and hotter at any time, but he didn't. Pretty rare in Hollywood, it seems.
A long, good life.
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Ah, Paul Newman! Wasn't he the best? He always seemed like such a genuine gentleman. (One small tidbit: Joanne Woodward was his 2nd wife. I was a tad disappointed to find that out, but I don't know the circumstances of their parting. One can't sniff at 50+ years of marriage regardless! Great picture of the two of them.)
I love Paul Newman and was so sad to hear of his passng. It seems like true gentlemen are harder to come by now.
Very sad. I was lucky enough to meet him and spend time with him and his family on many occasions. Such a loss for all of us. Truly a great man.
Great photo!
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