It was the weekend from hell. Temperatures at 100 degrees, Landon still in a cast (surgery is this Wednesday) and us? Hubby and I? We're stupid. We took Landon in the pool because we were desperate and HOT! We took him in on Saturday afternoon. Now we are only a little stupid. We've had casts now for weeks and done baths and pool all with a bag tied on his arm.
This time we tied a bag to the arm and when we were done swimming we watched as water dripped out of Landons cast. Then it ran out! CRAP!
So off to the emergency room to get a new cast, because open wounds don't really like wet mildewy casts. After drama galore we got home at 11pm. Landon was still awake and fit to be tied. We were all exhausted.
Sunday morning Landon slept in and I THOUGHT our troubles were over. That was until he woke up and puked all over his bed. Not once mind you, but twice after I changed it. Before I had the pukeys to deal with though, I was reflecting on the couch and enjoying my morning sans Elmo. I was thinking of how many times I've read about emergency room dramas on all of your blogs, stitches, breaks, crazy temperatures...sometimes with all of Landons arm stuff we feel like we are always dealing with more than the average parent (although I am realizing everyone has something huge they are dealing with), but that Saturday night, I realized later, we were normal parents. That was kinda nice.
Today we are headed to the doctor to get a new cast. A non-pukey smelling one. Ahhhh parenthood!
Oh man. That sucks! I hope Landon feels better :)
Oh no! Always some drama, right!? I hope things calm down this week and everything goes well on Wednesday.
oh poor you--that made for a long weekend--and now Monday. Get some rest.
I'm so sorry...hope the drama subsides and you get through the next surgery ok...I don't think June Cleaver had to deal with this stuff!
Awe, sorry to hear about your little man. It's true we all have our different things to deal with. But I better knock on wood because I have yet to have to deal with even a bloody nose with my almost 5year old. I know something's coming though, it's inevitable & scary!!! Hope he is getting better.
Poor Landon! Poor you! Sounds like an eventful weekend. I hope your week goes much better.
Oh no! :(
I hope all goes well on Wednesday with his surgery!
Oh how I hate throw up! I am really praying that my kids will steer clear of any throw up during the cold and flu season. I don't blame you for getting in the pool. It is hot in Florida also. I am craving some fall weather so, I can take the kids out for longer than 10 minutes. Good Luck with the surgery!
I am so sorry that your family had such a bad weekend! I hope you are having a good day today! I'll be praying for Landon and that his surgery goes well on Wednesday.
Oh man...hope Landon feels better soon. The emergency room is the WORST!
Sounds like your pretty normal to me- Good luck with the surgery.
Look at you finding the silver lining....the ER is never fun and puke, well, is ick! I hope today was better and that non-puke smelling cast is a lot more pleasant until you go back for more work on Wednesday!!!
You know I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers, oh and wisdom, for those doctors!!
There's never a dull moment when it comes to parenting! I got a call from the school nurse today while I was shopping at Old Navy, luckily it was not too serious!
Oh no! Glad you're seeing the good side... that sounded like a long weekend to me!
Best thoughts for Wednesday!
Oh, yuck! No fun for any of you!
I'll be thinking about you and Landon on Wednesday. Keep us posted.
God bless Landon and the rest of you guys! Parenthood is definately the land of common ground. Every mother in every corner of the world had cleaned up puke in the middle of the night!;-)
We will be thinking of you all and praying for Landon as you head for surgery.
Fabulous Mom - that really stinks (pardon the pun). I can't even imagine having a little one with a cast. Sorry your little guy is sick.
Wow, being a mommy can have such trying times. Poor Landon, hope he gets better, he's got too many things going on for anyone to handle.
Oh my gosh....poor thing! How did his surgery go? I don't remember reading about that?
Oh no! Poor Landon, and poor you!! Sending well wishes your way. :)
How about getting a waterproof cast? Makes showers, baths, and pools so much easier!
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