
An Easy Dinner Party Menu For A Night With Good Friends!

The older I get the more I realize that time is my greatest extravagance. 

It's the most valuable commodity I have. I no longer want to spend time with people that don't care about me, lift me up, make me laugh or make me think. I no longer want to do things that don't make my heart sing.

That's why I was excited to get my first real group of great Mom friends and husbands together for a dinner party at my house. We haven't done this in a while so it was a nice reunion! Here are my girls:)


I love everything about a dinner party. From picking the menu, to setting the table (like how it turned out?) to the great conversation at the table.

One thing I don't like is working so much on the food that I don't get to spend time with my friends! Don't get mt wrong, I have girlfriends that jump in and help, but I would rather lounge and chat as much as I can.

I wanted to share my menu with you because it was not only delicious, it was the perfect easy menu. Most of these recipes you can prep way ahead of time so you can truly enjoy your evening!

The appetizers:

Artichoke Bruschetta from The Cookie Rookie- (OH MY LORD THESE WERE INSANE)

Parmesan Tortellini Bites by Damn Delicious- (COULD THIS BE MORE BRILLIANT??)

Main Course:

Pinwheel Steaks by Rachel Ray! (sooooo good and fun to make!!!)

Here they are when we made and tied them:

And then once we sliced them for grilling!

Lemon Parmesan Baked Broccoli by Get Off Your Tush And Cook- (SO YUMMY!!!!!)

Smashed Yukon Gold Potatoes by Pioneer Woman (kids loved these too!)


Blackberry Cheesecake Bars by Hugs and Cookies- (aka you've died and gone to heaven bars)

It was a great evening and made even better by some amazing food! What's your go to dinner party recipe?

1 comment:

KatiePerk said...

Your menu looks awesome and that table setting is gorgeous!