
Graduating from preschool- just a minor panic attack!

Sorry I have been out of touch friends!

Truth is I took on two major commitments. President of Landon's school's PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) and Communications Director for the Junior League! Both of these things, combined with end of the year craziness have kept me really busy.

Coco graduated from preschool last week. This was such a bittersweet moment. On the one hand, she's ready, and cannot wait to go to Kindergarten. She's prepared.

But then I realized that this was my BABY. My baby girl I hoped and prayed for. She's growing up. I watched her graduation with pride and dread. I feel her independent spirit growing.

I love who she's becoming. She's the most fun to be around. 

But....this is the end of an era. I have been at this precious preschool for 7 years. From Mommy and Me all the way up to leaving for kindergarten. With two kids. We have made wonderful friends, our kids have made wonderful friends, and they have gotten the best education. Even at this young age they have been nurtured and loved by their amazing teachers and have learned so much!

I woke up in a panic the night after her graduation. It's over!

I calmed down. It's just the beginning.

No one tells you that this parenting thing is the highest highs, lowest lows and heart pangs that feel like a panic attack. I'm feeling the feelings, I'm looking to the future...and I'm taking all the pictures and videos I can!


Suburban prep said...

Congratulations on your family's milestone.
There will be many more to come and enjoy.
All the best for the future.

I always enjoy reading your postings.
Thank you.

JR Mazur said...

Congratulations on this happy occasion in your lives! Enjoy every minute of it :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! She is a beauty! Enjoy every minute- the years fly by.
-Linda, NY