
Happy 7th Birthday Landon- I love an ALMOST

Many of you long time readers know the story of Landon. If you don't you can read it here: Landon's Birth Story.

In a nutshell, Landon was born with a blood clot in his arm, had a stroke, and was in the hospital for 52 days. We almost lost him. He almost had brain damage. And he almost lost his arm.


Instead Landon went from this....

To this.

I love an almost. It just let's me know that God is working for us. He was at the hospital before we got there, he was there when we had our emergency C section, and he was there for 52 days after. He's still there.

Back then I could hardly imagine Landon as a 7 year old. Back then I didn't know when we were getting out of the hospital, how I would care for him, or what his prognosis would be. I felt like I would collapse. I almost broke under the pressure. Instead friends and family were there to rescue us.

There are challenges ahead. Landon's arm is growing at a slower rate than we hoped. We are now going to have to explore bone lengthening surgery. When I think about that I almost start crying. But then I look at Landon, how happy he is, how full of life and love he is. And I know we'll make it through.

I'm so proud to be Landon's Mom. I learn so much from him about forgiveness, and what perfection really is.

So if you have something you are barely holding on for. Feeling like you almost might not make it. Remember: I love an almost. And God does too.


The Outer Banks- 23 years of friendship

Our trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina was amazing. We stayed in a town called Corolla, which is just past Duck. I liked Corolla. It's not too touristy or built up. Just my speed.

We rented a fabulous house on the beach with 4 of my girlfriends from college, each sorority sisters (Kappa Alpha Theta!), and their families. Ryan, who was the president of our sorority, brought the Theta flag to hang on the house. I die. (Ps there's my husband setting up the umbrellas!)

Ryan also brought these fabulous hot pink terry tunics for us! I'm taking mine to the monogrammer TODAY.

It's hard to boil down this trip to a blog post but here are some highlights.

We went to see the wild horses of Corolla. This was something on my bucket list. I will never forget Nicoles husband driving like a maniac so we wouldn't get stuck and us following one of the horse tours so we could find the horses! We are tour stealers!!

I have never been in, or climbed a lighthouse. The Currituck Lighthouse was gorgeous and the view was incredible. It was HIGH up though!

My husbands favorite thing on earth is Blue Crabs. Even though no one else wanted any, I got him his own dozen and he was so HAPPY!

We saw so much wildlife while we were there! Deer on the beach, a fox in the dunes, sting rays, crabs, and....

Jelly Fish. Which can also be used for breast enhancement. LOL

Husband loves to cook and was happy to share two of our favorite recipes. Maralago Burgers and Cilantro Ginger Salmon! Both were huge hits!

Landon celebrated his birthday there. Complete with mini golf and bumper cars!

We took a road trip to the Lilly Pulitzer store in Duck called "Lifes a Beach!". It was so cute! I got this fabulous "Adriel" dress. ON SALE of course!

One night the kids did giant sparklers on the beach. It was magic.

Best of all, I had deep, meaningful, hilarious, heart felt, fabulous time with these women I adore. Each of them has been, and continues to go through lifes challenges, but these ladies handle it with grace and dignity.


The NIghtmare Of Returning From Vacation!

I have just returned from one week in the Outer Banks with all my bestie girls and their families. Twenty-three years of friendship with these fabulous women! It was glorious. We all relaxed and lived a beachy perfect life with this view!

Now I'm back to this:

Here's what's hard about when you really dial out. Your email piles up, bills pile up, laundry piles up, calls, errands, social obligations, school supply buying, are on the back burner and all come rushing back.

I'm trying to just slowly make my way through the fog. And trying to hold on to these moments forever.

Missing all my girls and the times we had.

More on the trip later!


GodMothers Cilantro Ginger Salmon!

God Mother of Coco, Anne, is such a fabulous chef. She makes everything look easy. The good news is, this recipe IS EASY and the perfect thing on a hot summer night!

Cilantro Ginger Salmon:

Get a big piece of salmon and bake on a cookie sheet and foil at 350 degrees for 15 minutes (depending on thickness)

Chop cilantro, green onion (scallions), and ginger. (as much as you want on top. I like a ton!)

In a saucepan at low heat, blend equal parts of soy sauce and olive oil and whisk.

When salmon is cooked, drizzle over Salmon and top with your greens.

Serve with rice and asparagus!


Heading To Corolla! OBX!

We are taking a trip to the Outer Banks and I have never been! Any suggestions? I'm all ears!! We're staying in Corolla.