
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! We have carted the family down to Nashville (or Nash-Vegas) to see my family. Granddad and Minnie Moo are fabulous hosts. They took us to The Stockyard for dinner.

The Stockyard has quite a history, it used to be the livestock company trading offices back in 1926 for 50 years! Now you can get amazing steaks and seafood in their restaurant. The kids have been having a ball as we make our rounds to the Science Center, Chuck E Cheese, and today the Madagascar Ice Sculpture Show!

While we were here we got to witness my cutie pie half brother get baptized and The Mr and I were sponsors. I had tears in my eyes. What a special day! Good times in Nashville. How's your Thanksgiving? Hope you are having a good time with family!


Courtney said...

Happy Thanksgiving! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time with your family.

KatiePerk said...

What a neat restaurant concept! Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like a fun time!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Have a fab time in the beautiful south!

Mary Beth said...

Hey, I'm in Nashville for the holiday too! Sounds like you are having a great time. The Stockyard is a great place to eat.

Have a great Thanksgiving!


bevy said...

Never been to Nashville, but Sumter wants to go to a music camp there this summer, so... :)

Wonderful news about your half-brother's baptism. THAT'S something to be thankful for!

Michelle said...

So glad you got to share Thanksgiving in the Southland!!!!