
Halloween Recap- Is This Christmas?

The trick or treat party was hard to pull off (why does Halloween have to be on a work day?!) but, we did it and the kids had a blast. Once again I used my neighbor Cooking Underwriters tables, chairs and table cloths. Thanks She She!

 I had simple pumpkins I painted on the adults tables. One said "Boo", one said "Holla-ween", and one said "Keep Calm, Scare On!" Hahahaa.

I had a craft laid out for the kids. You can see Cinderella Coco even got right in there. I went to the bar! I love my caldron as drink holder!

We served wine, beer and Apple Cider Margaritas! Notice Landon left his Halloween light up card from Grandmommie on the table!

The kids had "English Mummies" and "Candy Corn Pizza!" You can see it was a hit!

The adults had Dip in a Pumpkin, Devils on Horseback and of course GRILLED CHEESES!

My neighborhood has amazing trick or treating. Everyone decks out their houses, there are barely any cars driving around. The number of kids in the streets is unbelievable. It's sheer heaven for them. Landon was so excited he was running and screaming all over the lawn "I see Trick Or Treaters!!!" I realized. For them, this is like Christmas!!!

We couldn't wait any longer so we lined them up....(notice Landon Dragon, and Coco Sleeping Beauty) and we hit the streets!

Landon Dragon and Elvis were buddies.

The neighbors didn't know what hit 'em! Our kids said "thank you" every time. So proud.

Besties Sarah and Coco held hands all night! Everyone had a ball. And of course we came back and had our RIP Pudding!!!

 How was your Halloween?


Emily said...

The candy corn pizza and the pudding look delicious!

xx Emily @

Jen said...

Our Halloween was also crazy fun! Your party looked fab!

Melissa said...

So cute!

Our Halloween party was ruined due to the freak snowstorm CT had last weekend :(

Michelle said...

What a fun time! You make such wonderful memories for your sweet angels (ahum...dragon, excuse me!) I love seeing how much you enjoy your memory making with the kiddos.

Kate said...

Wow, looks like so much fun! Everything looks delicious, especially that pizza! My mom's neighborhood barely got any trick or treaters. Sad! (too many stairs!) My sister got 500+ in Venice!

Debra said...

Looks like you all had fun! Love all the food ideas. My daughter asked me why Halloween isn't a national holiday so they can have the day off school! It was hard running from school to our party to trick or treating - but everyone had fun which is all that matters, I guess. :)