
Cyber Monday Christmas Card Give Away With Paper Court Press!

Calling all shoppers! My dear friend at Paper Court Press has agreed to NOT ONLY do a give away but also a discount on her Holiday cards this year! She is GIVING AWAY 50 cards with envelops to one lucky winner! She is also offering 20% off orders of 125 cards or more (through this weekend) using the code ONEFABMOM!!

Read below to see how to enter to win 50 free holiday cards! She did mine and I LOVE THEM!!!

To win the free 50 cards enter by leaving a comment and telling me how many entries you have!

1 entry- Like Papercourt Press on Facebook Here:

1 entry- Like One Fabulous Mom on Facebook Here:
1 entry- Follow Papercourt Press on Twitter Here:!/papercourtpress
1 entry- Follow One Fabulous Mom on Twitter Here:!/Onefabulousmom
1 entry- for a comment on which card is your favorite on: Paper Court Press website!

Good luck!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! We have carted the family down to Nashville (or Nash-Vegas) to see my family. Granddad and Minnie Moo are fabulous hosts. They took us to The Stockyard for dinner.

The Stockyard has quite a history, it used to be the livestock company trading offices back in 1926 for 50 years! Now you can get amazing steaks and seafood in their restaurant. The kids have been having a ball as we make our rounds to the Science Center, Chuck E Cheese, and today the Madagascar Ice Sculpture Show!

While we were here we got to witness my cutie pie half brother get baptized and The Mr and I were sponsors. I had tears in my eyes. What a special day! Good times in Nashville. How's your Thanksgiving? Hope you are having a good time with family!


Christmas Tea Time Again!

Every year for the past two years I have co hosted a table at a Christmas Tea. It's such a wonderful event. First a holiday church service with an inspirational speaker, then we sit down to tea and are waited on by butlers!

Here's my table from the first year I did the tea. A woodland theme!

Loved the birds nests!
       The next year we did a more fun table that was all about what every girl wants for Christmas! Shoes, jewelry and bags!


Notice the gold shoes on the table! Everyone got a set of bangles to take home too. This year we are trying to out do ourselves, and although bestie is not hosting with me this year :(  , I may pull it off. Our theme this year?


Here are some of my inspirations from Pinterest:

Going to be fabulous! Can't you just see the table!!!



Kitchen Reveal! My New Cork Floors!

When we moved into our house it had orange shag carpet and dark brown wood walls. Everywhere. The kitchen was no exception. The darkest room in the house! Since the whole house needed a facelift we decided to do a cosmetic makeover in the kitchen. We painted the cabinets white, got new silver drawer pulls and then....nothing. We were debating floors, counter tops etc. Finally we decided on cork floors.

Here's the before pic:

This was what was underneath the yellow and brown stained glass pattern linoleum. Yes, doo doo brown checkerboard linoleum! YUCKO!

Now look at my new cork floors!!

Not only does it hide dirt but it's warm and soft! Shelby our dog loves the floors. And what is that peaking out? That pop of canary yellow?

That's right friends, my bamboo chairs! Can you believe someone had thrown these away? Hubby had them redone and painted for us. I LOVE THEM!

Now on to counter tops and wall paper! Let me ask's our Jonathan Adler wall paper.

It's going over the little nook area.

With our canary yellow chairs, and our white table (have to find) what color would you do the counter tops?

Do tell!


Perfect Children

See these perfect children dressed in gingham? Off to a farm party at school last week. (Ignore the light up shoes, I do) Yes Landon has a pink cast now. We've had red, green, blue, orange and now pink. Two more casts to go....hope they have enough colors!!

Anyway these perfect children....

Make me forget that before this Coco went into my makeup drawer and put on "lip gloss". 

Can't turn your back on her for a second. Mascara on the lips. Dontcha love it? I'm getting her a job at Sephora.


Halloween Recap- Is This Christmas?

The trick or treat party was hard to pull off (why does Halloween have to be on a work day?!) but, we did it and the kids had a blast. Once again I used my neighbor Cooking Underwriters tables, chairs and table cloths. Thanks She She!

 I had simple pumpkins I painted on the adults tables. One said "Boo", one said "Holla-ween", and one said "Keep Calm, Scare On!" Hahahaa.

I had a craft laid out for the kids. You can see Cinderella Coco even got right in there. I went to the bar! I love my caldron as drink holder!

We served wine, beer and Apple Cider Margaritas! Notice Landon left his Halloween light up card from Grandmommie on the table!

The kids had "English Mummies" and "Candy Corn Pizza!" You can see it was a hit!

The adults had Dip in a Pumpkin, Devils on Horseback and of course GRILLED CHEESES!

My neighborhood has amazing trick or treating. Everyone decks out their houses, there are barely any cars driving around. The number of kids in the streets is unbelievable. It's sheer heaven for them. Landon was so excited he was running and screaming all over the lawn "I see Trick Or Treaters!!!" I realized. For them, this is like Christmas!!!

We couldn't wait any longer so we lined them up....(notice Landon Dragon, and Coco Sleeping Beauty) and we hit the streets!

Landon Dragon and Elvis were buddies.

The neighbors didn't know what hit 'em! Our kids said "thank you" every time. So proud.

Besties Sarah and Coco held hands all night! Everyone had a ball. And of course we came back and had our RIP Pudding!!!

 How was your Halloween?