
Elf On The Shelf Has Arrived! Some fun and easy ideas for Elf On The Shelf!

Our Elf "Jim" has arrived!

I always tell the kids he comes on December 1st every year from the North Pole on his teeny tiny airplane. He arrives with a little note. This year it said:

 Landon and Coco I'm here at last!
 Boy this last year went real fast.
 I saw you playing piano for Mimi and Pop
 So I hid outside, and into the mailbox I hopped!
 I'm here to watch over you for my pal Santa Claus
 And let him know about you and "Tina Claws" (our mean cat!)
 You have to be good to get lots of presents and goodies
 So please listen to Mom and Dad if you could-ies!
 Can't wait to show you my silly tricks
 And report to my old friend Saint Nick!
 PS I love the tree you picked out!

Love Jim

This year when he arrived they found him like this!

And he's been having fun around the house....making snow angels....

Having sack races....


 Making a snow man....

But I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. And I definitely want to do this!

What's your elf been doing?

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